
発行年  2025   2024   2023   2022   2021   2020   2019   2018   2017   2016   2015   2014   2013   2012   2011   2010   2009   2008   2007   2006   2005   2004   2003   2002   2001   2000


2025年 ▲topへ

Inside Front Cover Yoshiaki Uchida, Takuya Akita, Takuo Ohkochi, Xiao-Qian Ma, Daichi Kiyohara, Sho Nakagami, Taira Yamazaki, Norikazu Nishiyama, "Low-Temperature Liquid-Crystalline Nitroxide Radical," J. Mater. Chem. C, Royal Society of Chemistry, 13, 54-60 (2025). link repository

Ryuji Takada, Hiroyuki Okada, Kotaro Narimatsu, Koji Miyake, Yoshiaki Uchida, Etsushi Tsuji, Norikazu Nishiyama, "Metal-free N, P-Codoped Carbon for Syngas Production with Tunable Composition via CO2 Electrolysis: Addressing the Competition Between CO2 Reduction and H2 Evolution" ChemSusChem, Wiley, in press.

2024年 ▲topへ

Soshi Tsubota, Shinya Kokuryo, Koji Miyake, Yoshiaki Uchida, Atsushi Mizusawa, Tadashi Kubo, Norikazu Nishiyama, "Understanding the Role of the Surface Acidity of MFI Zeolites during LDPE Cracking: Decomposition Temperature and Product Distribution," ACS Catal., American Chemical Society, 14, 18145–18155 (2024).link

Shohei Kubota, Yoshiki Murata, Koji Miyake, Yoshiaki Uchida, Manabu Miyamoto, Norikazu Nishiyama, "Core–Shell-Structured Ni/ZSM-5@Silicalite-1 Zeolite Catalyst with a High Catalytic Performance for Ethylene to Propylene Reaction," Energy & Fuels, American Chemical Society, 38, 21268–21276 (2024). link

鍛冶静雄, 内田幸明, 中野直人, 「予測モデルが液晶相転移について教えること」, 液晶, 日本液晶学会, 28, 234–241 (2024). link

Kazuya Tamura, Shinya Kokuryo, Haruna Kitamura, Jose A. Hernandez Gaitan, Soshi Tsubota, Koji Miyake, Yoshiaki Uchida, Manabu Miyamoto, Norikazu Nishiyama, "Cr-promoted Ni Catalyst on Dealuminated Zeolite for Producing Hydrogen via Catalytic Decomposition of Methane," Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., American Chemical Society, 63, 19449–19456 (2024). link

Intan Clarissa Sophiana, Soen Steven, Rawiyah Khairunida’ Shalihah, Ferry Iskandar, Hary Devianto, Elvi Restiawaty, Norikazu Nishiyama, Yogi Wibisono Budhi, "Enhanced syngas production through dry reforming of methane with Ni/CeZrO2 catalyst: Kinetic parameter investigation and CO2-rich feed simulation" Chem. Eng. J. Adv., Elsevier, 20, 100655 (2024). link

Ryuji Takada, Kotaro Narimatsu, Yurika Taniguchi, Xinran Yang, Koji Miyake, Yoshiaki Uchida, Norikazu Nishiyama, "Nitrogen, fluorine, and phosphorus tri-doped porous carbon with high electrical conductivity as an excellent metal-free electrocatalyst for oxygen reduction reaction" ChemCatChem, Wiley, 16, e202400749 (2024).link

Jose A. Hernandez Gaitan, Xinyu Li, Kazuya Tamura, Koji Miyake, Yoshiaki Uchida, Norikazu Nishiyama, "Ni Particle Morphology and Support Effect in the Catalytic Decomposition of Methane: Into the Design of Novel, High Yield Catalyst for Catalytic Decomposition of Methane," Adv. Energy Sustainability Res., Wiley, 5, 2400096 (2024).link

Front Cover Shinya Kokuryo, Kazuya Tamura, Soshi Tsubota,Koji Miyake, Yoshiaki Uchida, Atsushi Mizusawa, Tadashi Kubo, Norikazu Nishiyama, "Selective Recovery of Light Olefins from Polyolefin Catalyzed by Lewis Acidic Sn-Beta Zeolites without Brønsted Acidity," Catal. Sci. Technol., The Royal Society of Chemistry, 14, 3589 - 3595 (2024).link

Xinran Yang, Ryuji Takada, Yurika Taniguchi, Koji Miyake, Yoshiaki Uchida, Norikazu Nishiyama, "Straightforward synthesis of S-doped Co2P nanoparticles on a P, S co-doped carbon substrate by using ion exchange resin for hydrogen evolution reaction" Fuel, Elsevier, 370, 131674 (2024). link

内田幸明, 佐々木弘毅, Jose A. Hernandez Gaitan, 三宅浩史, 西山憲和, 「非晶質アルミノケイ酸塩ナノシートを前駆体とするゼオライトナノシート合成」, ゼオライト, 日本ゼオライト学会, 41, 109–115 (2024). link

國領伸哉, 三宅浩史, 西山憲和, 「プラスチックのリサイクルと再生材の改質技術」, 第2章プラスチックのケミカルリサイクル技術7節 ゼオライト触媒を用いたケミカルリサイクル技術(技術情報協会2024年2月)link

Yoshiaki Uchida, Masaharu Iwakura, Norikazu Nishiyama, "Three-dimensionally printed microwell for observing single liquid crystalline shell," Proc. SPIE, SPIE Press, 12907, 1290707 (2024).link

Soshi Tsubota, Shinya Kokuryo, Kazuya Tamura, Koji Miyake, Yoshiaki Uchida, Atsushi Mizusawa, Tadashi Kubo, Norikazu Nishiyama, "Exploring the effect of Brønsted acidity of MFI-type zeolites on catalytic cracking temperature of low density polyethylene," Catal. Sci. Technol., The Royal Society of Chemistry, 14, 1369-1374 (2024).link

Yurika Taniguchi, Shinya Kokuryo, Ryuji Takada, Xinran Yang, Koji Miyake, Yoshiaki Uchida, Norikazu Nishiyama, "Fluoropyridine-medicated zeolite templating method for N/F co-doped carbon with high electrocatalytic performance on oxygen reduction reaction" Electrochem. Commun., Elsevier, 160, 107665 (2024). link

Shohei Kubota, Tomoka Sumi, Haruna Kitamura, Koji Miyake, Yoshiaki Uchida, Norikazu Nishiyama, "Promoted propane dehydrogenation over Co confined within core-shell silicalite-1 zeolite crystals," Catal. Sci. Technol., The Royal Society of Chemistry, 14, 1201-1208 (2024).link

Yurika Taniguchi, Shinya Kokuryo, Ryuji Takada, Xinran Yang, Koji Miyake, Yoshiaki Uchida, Norikazu Nishiyama, "Synthesis of N-doped carbon with a high concentration of pyridinic N using a zeolite template method with pyridine as the deposition source" Carbon Reports, 3, 11-17 (2024).link

Jose A. Hernandez Gaitan, Koki Sasaki, Koji Miyake, Yoshiaki Uchida, Norikazu Nishiyama, "Control of Composition and Surface Area of Aluminosilicates by Tuning Base Catalyst Concentration," Chem. Lett., The Chemical Society of Japan, 53, upad034 (2024).link

内田幸明, 「液晶を用いたナノシート合成」, ニュースレター, 新学術領域研究「量子液晶の物性科学」, 10, 12 (2024).link

​内田幸明, 佐々木弘毅, Jose A. Hernandez Gaitan, 三宅浩史, 西山憲和, 解説「液晶を利用したアルミノ珪酸塩ナノシートの合成」, 液晶, 日本液晶学会, 28, 72 (2024).link

Ryuji Takada, Yasuhiro Shu, Yurika Taniguchi, Xinran Yang, Koji Miyake, Yoshiaki Uchida, Norikazu Nishiyama, "Facile synthesis of carbon co-doped with nitrogen and phosphorus as metal-free electrocatalyst with precisely controlled pore structure and dual heteroatoms for oxygen reduction reaction" Carbon, Elsevier, 218, 118719 (2024). link

2023年 ▲topへ

Yasuhiro Shu, Ryuji Takada, Yurika Taniguchi, Xinran Yang, Koji Miyake, Yoshiaki Uchida, Norikazu Nishiyama, "Facile Synthesis of N-Doped Metal-Free Catalysts for Oxygen Reduction Reaction via a Self-Sacrificed Template Method Using Zinc Amino-Acid Complex," ACS Omega, American Chemical Society, 8, 46276–46283 (2023).link

Kazuya Tamura, Daisuke Murata, Tomoka Sumi, Shinya Kokuryo, Haruna Kitamura, Soshi Tsubota, Koji Miyake, Yoshiaki Uchida, Manabu Miyamoto, Norikazu Nishiyama, "Dry Reforming of Methane with Suppressed Carbon Deposition over Cr- and Ni-Loaded Dealuminated β Zeolites," Energy & Fuels, American Chemical Society, 37, 18945–18951 (2023).link

Haruna Kitamura, Tomoka Sumi, Shohei Kubota, Shinya Kokuryo, Kazuya Tamura, Koji Miyake, Yoshiaki Uchida, Manabu Miyamoto, Norikazu Nishiyama, "Stable and selective conversion of ethylene to propylene and butylene using Ni-loaded dealuminated Beta zeolite catalyst" Appl. Catal. A: Gen., Elsevier, 668, 119429 (2023). link

Back Cover Shinya Kokuryo, Yasuhiro Shu, Ryuji Takada, Yurika Taniguchi, Koji Miyake, Yoshiaki Uchida, Gabriel Alemany‐Molina, Emilia Morallón, Diego Cazorla‐Amorós, Norikazu Nishiyama, "Utilization of Deposited Coke on Zeolites During the Catalytic Cracking of Nitrogen-Containing Polymer for the Oxygen Reduction Reaction" Adv. Sustain. Syst., Wiley, 7, 2370035 (2023).link

Xinran Yang, Yasuhiro Shu, Ryuji Takada, Yurika Taniguchi, Koji Miyake, Yoshiaki Uchida, Norikazu Nishiyama, "Facile and Cost-effective Synthesis of CoP@N-doped Carbon with High Catalytic Performance for Electrochemical Hydrogen Evolution Reaction" Chem. Asian J., Wiley, 18, e202300534 (2023).link

諏訪俊一, 内田幸明, 「これからの液晶の話」, T-pop News, 218 (2023).link

Cover Feature Koki Sasaki, Yoshiaki Uchida, Norikazu Nishiyama, "Bottom-up Synthesis of Nanosheets at Various Interfaces," ChemPlusChem, Wiley, 88, e202300255 (2023).link

Ryo Watanabe, Natsu Oba, Suchada Smith, Kazumasa Oshima, Masahiro Kishida, Koji Miyake, Norikazu Nishiyama, Priyanka Verma, Choji Fukuhara, "Effect of Ga substitution with Al in ZSM-5 zeolite in methanethiol-to-hydrocarbon conversion," RSC Adv., The Royal Society of Chemistry, 13, 21441-21447 (2023).link

Front Cover Shinya Kokuryo, Kazuya Tamura, Soshi Tsubota, Koji Miyake, Yoshiaki Uchida, Atsushi Mizusawa, Tadashi Kubo, Norikazu Nishiyama, "Coking Reduction of Cr-loaded Beta Zeolite during Polymer Cracking: Hydrocracking of Aromatics by Synergistic Effect of Cr6+ and Zeolitic Acid Sites" ChemCatChem, Wiley, 15, e202300461 (2023).link

Yurika Taniguchi, Yasuhiro Shu, Ryuji Takada, Koji Miyake, Yoshiaki Uchida, Norikazu Nishiyama, "A zeolite templating method for fabricating edge site-enriched N-doped carbon materials" Nanoscale Adv., The Royal Society of Chemistry, 5, 4233-4239 (2023). link

Ali Azfar Zaidi, Arslan Khan, Hamad AlMohamadi, Muhammad Waqas Anjum, Imtiaz Ali, Salman Raza Naqvi, Shinya Kokuryo, Koji Miyake, Norikazu Nishiyama, "Catalytic pyrolysis of rice husk over defect-rich beta zeolites for biofuel production," Fuel, Elsevier, 348, 128624 (2023). link

Yoshiaki Uchida, Mahiro Kumazaki, Takuya Naruta, Norikazu Nishiyama, "Lasing Behavior of a Nematic Liquid Crystal Microdroplet Depending on Irradiation Position," Opt. Mater. Express, Optical Society of America, 13, 1609-1615 (2023). link

内田幸明, 「液晶カプセルとしての細胞」, 内藤財団時報, 111, 34 (2023).link

Yasuhiro Shu, Yuya Takada, Ryuji Takada, Yurika Taniguchi, Koji Miyake, Yoshiaki Uchida, Chang Yi Kong, Norikazu Nishiyama, "Experimental and Theoretical Elucidation of Metal-free Sulfur and Nitrogen Co-doped Porous Carbon Materials with an Efficient Synergistic Effect on the Oxygen Reduction Reaction," Adv. Mater. Interfaces, Wiley, 10, 2300088 (2023). link

Yoshiaki Uchida, Takuya Akita, Norikazu Nishiyama, "Chiral Nitroxide Radical with Terminal Trifluoromethoxy Group," Liq. Cryst., Taylor and Francis, 50, 1292–1295 (2023). link repository

Koji Miyake, Tomoka Sumi, Shinya Kokuryo, Haruna Kitamura, Jose A. Hernandez Gaitan, Yoshiaki Uchida, Norikazu Nishiyama, "Improved methane dehydroaromatization reaction over Mo and Cr co-doped ZSM-5 catalyst," New J. Chem., The Royal Society of Chemistry, 47, 6054-6057 (2023).link

Tomoka Sumi, Daisuke Murata, Haruna Kitamura, Shohei Kubota, Koji Miyake, Yoshiaki Uchida, Manabu Miyamoto, Norikazu Nishiyama, "Formation of Ni species anchored on silicalite-1 zeolite framework as a catalyst with high coke deposition resistance on dry reforming of methane," Cryst. Growth Des., American Chemical Society, 23, 3308–3313 (2023).link

Koki Sasaki, Shotaro Matoba, Yoshiaki Uchida, Norikazu Nishiyama, "Detection of alkali and alkaline earth metal ions using birefringence of hyperswollen lamellar phase," RSC Adv., The Royal Society of Chemistry, 13, 4007-4010 (2023).link

Xinyu Li, Hiroki Yoshikawa, Kaito Ishihara, Koji Miyake, Yoshiaki Uchida, Norikazu Nishiyama, "Solvent-free soft-template synthesis of highly-ordered mesoporous carbons via self-assembly promoted by Mg(NO3)2," Langmuir, American Chemical Society, 39, 2036–2042 (2023).link

Koki Sasaki, Koji Miyake, Yoshiaki Uchida, Norikazu Nishiyama, "Synthesis of Cu2O nanourchins from Cu nanosheets synthesized in hydrophilic bilayers of hyperswollen lamellar phase," Liq. Cryst., Taylor and Francis, 50, 1287–1291 (2023). link repository

Supplementary Cover Yoshiaki Uchida, Kenjiro Hino, Tatsuhisa Kato, Rui Tamura, "Through-Space Magnetic Interaction of cis-Azobenzene Biradical," Cryst. Growth Des., American Chemical Society, 23, 1641–1647 (2023). link

2022年 ▲topへ

Shinya Kokuryo, Kazuya Tamura, Koji Miyake, Yoshiaki Uchida, Manabu Miyamoto, Yasunori Oumi, Atsushi Mizusawa, Tadashi Kubo, Norikazu Nishiyama, "High coke deposition resistance by Cr loading on zeolite defects: reduced regeneration in cracking reactions," Catal. Sci. Technol., The Royal Society of Chemistry, 12, 7270-7274 (2022).link

Inside Back Cover Koki Sasaki, Jose A. Hernandez Gaitan, Yuki Tokuda, Koji Miyake, Yoshiaki Uchida, Norikazu Nishiyama, "A Nanosheet Molding Method to Estimate the Size of Bilayers Suspended in Liquid," J. Mater. Chem. C, The Royal Society of Chemistry, 10, 15816-15821 (2022). link repository

Outside Front Cover Tomoka Sumi, Shinya Kokuryo, Yugo Fujimoto, Xinyu Li, Koji Miyake, Yoshiaki Uchida, Norikazu Nishiyama, "Mg and Zn co-doped mesoporous ZSM-5 as an ideal catalyst for ethane dehydroaromatization reaction," Catal. Sci. Technol., The Royal Society of Chemistry, 12, 7010-7017 (2022).link

Koki Sasaki, Jose A. Hernandez Gaitan, Tsuyoshi Okue, Shotaro Matoba, Yuki Tokuda, Koji Miyake, Yoshiaki Uchida, Norikazu Nishiyama, "Amorphous Aluminosilicate Nanosheets as Universal Precursors for the Synthesis of Diverse Zeolite Nanosheets for Polymer-Cracking Reactions," Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., Wiley, , 61, e202213773 (2022). link repository

Supplementary Cover Yasuhiro Shu, Yugo Fujimoto, Yurika Taniguchi, Koji Miyake, Yoshiaki Uchida, Norikazu Nishiyama, "Amino-Acid-Functionalized Metal–Organic Frameworks as Excellent Precursors toward Bifunctional Metal-Free Electrocatalysts," ACS Appl. Energy Mater., American Chemical Society, 5, 11091–11097 (2022). link

Xinyu Li, Jose Andres Hernandez Gaitan, Shinya Kokuryo, Tomoka Sumi, Haruna Kitamura, Koji Miyake, Yoshiaki Uchida, Norikazu Nishiyama, "Hierarchical zeolites with high hydrothermal stability prepared via desilication of OSDA-occluded zeolites," Micropor. Mesopor. Mater., Elsevier, 344, 112096 (2022). link

内田幸明, 「光磁気効果測定による液晶中のスピン拡散の機構解明」, ニュースレター, 新学術領域研究「量子液晶の物性科学」, 7, 5 (2022).link

K. S. Nisa, V. Suendo, I. C. Sophiana, H. Susanto, A. Kusumaatmaja, N. Nishiyama, Y. W. Budhi, "Effect of base promoter on activity of MCM-41-supported nickel catalyst for hydrogen production via dry reforming of methane," Int. J. Hydrog. Energy, Elsevier, 47, 23201-23212 (2022). link

Alexey V. Bogdanov, Yoshiaki Uchida, Andrey Kh. Vorobiev, "Photo-orientation and Electron Paramagnetic Resonance Spectra of a Nitroxide and Azobenzene-Containing Hydrogen-Bonded Complex," J. Phys. Chem. C, American Chemical Society, C, 31, 13332–13340 (2022). link

Inside Back Cover Shinya Kokuryo, Kazuya Tamura, Koji Miyake, Yoshiaki Uchida, Atsushi Mizusawa, Tadashi Kubo, Norikazu Nishiyama, "LDPE cracking over mono- and divalent metal-doped beta zeolites," Catal. Sci. Technol., The Royal Society of Chemistry, 12, 4138-4144 (2022).link

Yoshiaki Uchida, Shizuo Kaji, Naoto Nakano, "Chemical-Data-Driven Validation of Physical Theories of Liquid Crystals," Preprint at https://www.researchsquare.com/article/rs-1599774/v1 (2022). DOI: 10.21203/rs.3.rs-1599774/v1

Yuichiro Hirota, Risako Betsuno, Yuma Hotta, Xinyu Li, Koji Miyake, Norikazu Nishiyama, "Catalytic performance of Zn-containing MFI zeolites in acetone-to-aromatics reactions," Micropor. Mesopor. Mater., Elsevier, 341, 112070 (2022). link

Yugo Fujimoto, Tomoka Sumi, Koji Miyake, Yoshiaki Uchida, Norikazu Nishiyama, "Improving Coke Resistance of Zn Ion Exchanged ZSM-5 on Dehydroaromatization of Ethane by Cr Species Loading," Chem. Lett., The Chemical Society of Japan, 51, 515-517 (2022). link

Shinya Kokuryo, Hasna Al Jabri, Koji Miyake, Yoshiaki Uchida, Shunsuke Tanaka, Manabu Miyamoto, Yasunori Oumi, Norikazu Nishiyama, "A Novel Strategy to Enhance Acid Strength of Zeolites by Incorporating Ge into Zeolite Framework," ChemistrySelect, Wiley, 7, e202200756 (2022). link

Koki Sasaki, Koji Miyake, Yoshiaki Uchida, Norikazu Nishiyama, "Mechanochemical Synthesis of Dispersible Platinum Nanosheets for Enhanced Catalysis in Microreactor," ACS Appl. Nano Mater., American Chemical Society, 5, 4998–5005 (2022). link repository

Intan Clarissa Sophiana, Ferry Iskandar, Hary Devianto, Norikazu Nishiyama, Yogi Wibisono Budhi, "Coke-Resistant Ni/CeZrO2 Catalysts for Dry Reforming of Methane to Produce Hydrogen-Rich Syngas," Nanomaterials, MDPI Publishing, 12, 1556 (2022). link

Inside Front Cover Yoshiaki Uchida, Takuya Akita, Kazuki Hanada, Daichi Kiyohara, Norikazu Nishiyama, "Molecular Clustering Behaviour in Cybotactic Nematic Phase of Spin-labelled Liquid Crystal," J. Mater. Chem. C, The Royal Society of Chemistry, 10, 6621-6627 (2022). link repository

Shinya Kokuryo, Koji Miyake, Yoshiaki Uchida, Shunsuke Tanaka, Manabu Miyamoto, Yasunori Oumi, Atsushi Mizusawa, Tadashi Kubo, Norikazu Nishiyama, "Design of Zr- and Al-Doped *BEA-Type Zeolite to Boost LDPE Cracking," ACS Omega, American Chemical Society, 7, 12971–12977 (2022). link

Elvi Restiawaty, Neng Tresna Umi Culsum, Norikazu Nishiyama, Yogi Wibisono Budhi, "Preparation, Characterization, and Surface Modification of Cellulose Nanocrystal from Lignocellulosic Biomass for Immobilized Lipase," fibers, MDPI Publishing, 10, 33 (2022). link

Front Cover Cover Profile Yoshiaki Uchida, Tatsunori Sakaguchi, Shigeaki Oki, Satoshi Shimono, Jayeong Park, Masahito Sugiyama, Shuichi Sato, Elena Zaytseva, Dmitrii G. Mazhukin, Rui Tamura, "Magnetically Manipulable Ionic Liquid Crystal Incorporating Neutral Radical Moiety," ChemPlusChem, Wiley, 87, e202100352 (2022). link

Yasuhiro Shu, Koki Sasaki, Yugo Fujimoto, Koji Miyake, Yoshiaki Uchida, Shunsuke Tanaka, Norikazu Nishiyama, “Electrochemical hydrogen evolution reaction over Co/P doped carbon derived from triethyl phosphite-deposited 2D nanosheets of Co/Al layered double hydroxides,” Int. J. Hydrog. Energy, Elsevier, 47, 10638-10645 (2022). link

Shinya Kokuryo, Kazuya Tamura, Koji Miyake, Yoshiaki Uchida, Atsushi Mizusawa, Tadashi Kubo, Norikazu Nishiyama, "Zr-doped SAPO-34 with enhanced Lewis acidity," New J. Chem., RSC, 46, 3838-3843 (2022). link

Yuichiro Hirota, Shohei Hayami, Fumiya Sasaki, Shotaro Matoba, Kazuki Yokoi, Norikazu Nishiyama,"Effects of the Si-O-Si network structure on the permeation properties of silylated ionic liquid-derived membranes," J. Chem. Eng. Jpn., The Society of Chemical Engineers, Japan, 52, 105-112 (2022). link

Shinya Kokuryo, Koji Miyake, Yoshiaki Uchida, Atsushi Mizusawa, Tadashi Kubo, Norikazu Nishiyama, "Defect engineering to boost catalytic activity of Beta zeolite on low-density polyethylene cracking," Materials Today Sustainability, Elsevier, 17, 100098 (2022). link

Front Cover Yasuhiro Shu, Yugo Fujimoto, Koji Miyake, Yoshiaki Uchida, Shunsuke Tanaka, Norikazu Nishiyama, “Precisely controlled synthesis of Co/N species contained porous carbon for oxygen reduction reaction via anion-exchanging and CO2 activation,” New J. Chem., RSC, 46, 2038-2043 (2022). link

Yugo Fujimoto, Yasuhiro Shu, Yurika Taniguchi, Koji Miyake, Yoshiaki Uchida, Shunsuke Tanaka, Norikazu Nishiyama, “Vapor-assisted crystallization of in situ glycine-modified UiO-66 with enhanced CO2 adsorption,” New J. Chem., RSC, 46, 1779-1784 (2022). link

2021年 ▲topへ

西山憲和, 解説「ソフトテンプレート法によるメソポーラスカーボンの合成」, 液晶, 日本液晶学会, 25, 216 (2021).link

Yasuhiro Shu, Keisuke Ota, Koji Miyake, Yoshiaki Uchida, Norikazu Nishiyama, "Self-assembly strategy for Co/N-doped meso/microporous carbon toward superior oxygen reduction catalysts," Colloids Surf. A, Elsevier, 629, 127395 (2021). link

Yugo Fujimoto, Yasuhiro Shu, Koji Miyake, Yoshiaki Uchida, and Norikazu Nishiyama, "SAPO-34 Zeolite Nanocrystals Coated with ZrO2 as Catalysts for Methanol-to-Olefin Conversion," ACS Appl. Nano Mater., American Chemical Society, 4, 8321–8327 (2021). link

Reina Inoue, Koji Miyake, Yuma Hotta, Li Xinyu, Ryoga Yashiro, Yuichiro Hirota, Yoshiaki Uchida, Manabu Miyamoto, Yasunori Oumi, Chang Yi Kong, Norikazu Nishiyama, "Stable dehydroaromatization of ethane over Zn ion exchanged MFI type galloaluminosilicate zeolite," Fuel, Elsevier, 305, 121487 (2021). link

Outside Back Cover Koki Sasaki, Tsuyoshi Okue, Yasuhiro Shu, Koji Miyake, Yoshiaki Uchida, Norikazu Nishiyama, "Thin ZIF-8 Nanosheets Synthesized in Hydrophilic TRAPs," Dalton Trans., The Royal Society of Chemistry, 50, 10394-10399 (2021). link repository

Koji Miyake, Norikazu Nishiyama, “Core–Shell Structured Zeolite Catalysts with Enhanced Shape Selectivity,” in Core-Shell and Yolk-Shell Nanocatalysts, eds. H. Yamashita, H. Li , Springer, Singapore, chap.11, 2021, pp. 181-186. link

Rui Tamura, Yoshiaki Uchida, Kota Nagura, “Nitroxides in Liquid Crystals,” in Nitroxides: Synthesis, Properties and Applications, eds. O. Ouari, D. Gigmes, RSC Publishing, Cambridge, chap.11, 2021, pp. 420-448.link

Tsubasa Kobayashi, Ya-xin Li, Yuichiro Hirota, Asako Maekawa, Norikazu Nishiyama, Xiang-bing Zeng, Takahiro Ichikawa, "Gyroid-Nanostructured All-Solid Polymer Films Combining High H2 Conductivity with Low H2 Permeability," Macromol. Rapid Commun., Wiley-VCH, 42, 2100115 (2021). link

Supplementary Cover Koki Sasaki, Tsuyoshi Okue, Takuto Nakai, Yoshiaki Uchida, Norikazu Nishiyama, "Lateral Growth of Uniformly Thin Gold Nanosheet Facilitated by Twodimensional Precursor Supply," Langmuir, American Chemical Society, 37, 5872–5877 (2021). link repository Correction of SI

Yoshitaka Mizuno, Koji Miyake, Shunsuke Tanaka, Norikazu Nishiyama, Choji Fukuhara, Chang Yi Kong "Phase-Controlled Synthesis of Zeolites from Sodium Aluminosilicate under OSDA/Solvent-Free Conditions," Eur. J. Inorg. Chem., Wiley-VCH, 14, 1405-1409 (2021). link

Yexin Zhu, Koji Miyake, Yasuhiro Shu, Koki Moroto, Yuichiro Hirota, Yoshiaki Uchida, Shunsuke Tanaka, Tao Zheng, Misaki Katayama, Yasuhiro Inada, Emilia Morallón, Diego Cazorla-Amorós, Chang Yi Kong, Norikazu Nishiyama, "Single atomic Co coordinated with N in microporous carbon for oxygen reduction reaction obtained from Co/2-methylimidazole anchored to Y zeolite as a template," Mater. Today Chem., Elsevier, 20, 100410 (2021). link

Inside Front Cover Yosuke Iwai, Takatoshi Maeda, Yoshiaki Uchida, Funito Araoka, Norikazu Nishiyama, "Controlled Release of Photoresponsive Nematic Liquid Crystalline Microcapsules," Adv. Photon. Res., Wiley-VCH, 2, 2000079 (2021). link YouTube

Shuichi Suzuki, Daiki Yamaguchi, Yoshiaki Uchida, Takeshi Naota, "Hysteretic Control of Near-infrared Transparency Using a Liquescent Radical Cation," Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., Wiley-VCH, 60, 8284–8288 (2021). link

内田幸明, 「液晶中の分子間磁気相互作用」, ニュースレター, 新学術領域研究「量子液晶の物性科学」, 4, 6 (2021).link

2020年 ▲topへ

Yuya Toyama, Koji Miyake, Yasuhiro Shu, Koki Moroto, Jiaojiao Ma, Tao Zheng, Shunsuke Tanaka, Norikazu Nishiyama, Choji Fukuhara, Chang Yi Kong, "Solvent-free synthesis of Fe/N doped hierarchal porous carbon as an ideal electrocatalyst for oxygen reduction reaction," Materials Today Energy, Elsevier, 17, 100444 (2020). link

Koki Moroto, Koji Miyake, Yasuhiro Shu, Yuya Toyama, Jiaojiao Ma, Shunsuke Tanaka, Norikazu Nishiyama, Choji Fukuhara, Chang Yi Kong, "Fabrication of NiSx/C with a tuned S/Ni molar ratio using Ni²⁺ ions and Amberlyst for hydrogen evolution reaction (HER)," Int. J. Hydrog. Energy, Elsevier, 45, 24567-24572 (2020). link

Shuichi Sato, Yoshiaki Uchida, Rui Tamura, "Spin Symmetry Breaking: Superparamagnetic and Spin Glass-Like Behavior Observed in Rod-Like Liquid Crystalline Organic Compounds Contacting Nitroxide Radical Spins," Symmetry, MDPI Publishing, 12, 1910 (2020). link

Yoshiaki Uchida, Go Watanabe, Takuya Akita, Norikazu Nishiyama, "Thermal Molecular Motion Can Amplify Intermolecular Magnetic Interactions," J. Phys. Chem. B, American Chemical Society, 124, 6175–6180 (2020). link repository

内田幸明, 「液晶の自己組織化と液晶の配向場における材料の自己組織化」, 自己修復材料、自己組織化、形状記憶材料の開発と応用事例, 技術情報協会, 276-285 (2020).link

内田幸明, 特集「穴あき鋳型法による規則性多孔体の作製」, 機能材料, シーエムシー出版, 40, 12-19 (2020).link

Yosuke Iwai, Ryosuke Iijima, Kaho Yamamoto, Takuya Akita, Yoshiaki Uchida, Norikazu Nishiyama, "Shrinkage of Cholesteric Liquid Crystalline Microcapsule as Omnidirectional Cavity to Suppress Optical Loss," Adv. Opt. Mater., Wiley-VCH, 8, 1901363 (2020).link

Yuichiro Hirota, Takuto Nakai, Shohei Hayami, Fumiya Sasaki, Norikazu Nishiyama, "Evaluation of permeation mechanisms of silylated ionic liquid-derived organosilica membranes for toluene/methane separation," J. Jpn. Petrol. Inst., The Japan Petroleum Institute, 63, 213-220 (2020). link

Yasuhiro Shu, Koji Miyake, Javier Quílez-Bermejo, Yexin Zhu, Yuichiro Hirota, Yoshiaki Uchida, Shunsuke Tanaka, Emilia Morallón, Diego Cazorla-Amorós, Chag Yi Kong, Norikazu Nishiyama, "Rational design of single atomic Co in CoNx moieties on graphene matrix as an ultra-highly efficient active site for oxygen reduction reaction," ChemNanoMat, Wiley-VCH, 6, 218-222 (2020). link

Christine N. Soekiman, Yexin Zhu, Koji Miyake, Misaki Ota, Yuichiro Hirota, Yoshiaki Uchida, Norikazu Nishiyama, "Synthesis of titanium silicalite-1 (TS-1) zeolite with high content of Ti by a dry gel conversion method using amorphous TiO2-SiO2 composite with highly-dispersed Ti species," Mater. Today Chem., Elsevier, 16, 100209 (2020). link

Hasna Al Jabri, Koji Miyake, Kaito Ono, Masahiro Nakai, Reina Inoue, Yuichiro Hirota, Yoshiaki Uchida, Toshiyuki Yokoi, Takeshi Ohnishi, Masaru Ogura, Norikazu Nishiyama, "Dry Gel Conversion Synthesis of Cu/SSZ-13 as a Catalyst with High Performance for NH3-SCR," Micropor. Mesopor. Mater., Elsevier, 297, 109780 (2020). link

2019年 ▲topへ

Soliman I. El-Hout, Yang Zhou, Jun Kano, Yoshiaki Uchida, Yuta Nishina, "Dehydrogenative Coupling of Toluene Promoted by Multi-Walled Carbon Nanotubes," Catal. Lett., Springer, 1-7 (2019). DOI: 10.1007/s10562-019-02951-z link

Inside Back Cover Masahiro Nakai, Koji Miyake, Reina Inoue, Kaito Ono, Hasna Al Jabri, Yuichiro Hirota, Yoshiaki Uchida, Shunsuke Tanaka, Manabu Miyamoto, Yasunori Oumi, Chang Yi Kong, Norikazu Nishiyama, "Dehydrogenation of propane over high silica *BEA type gallosilicate (Ga-Beta)," Catal. Sci. Technol., The Royal Society of Chemistry, 9, 6234-6239 (2019).link

三宅浩史, 孔 昌一, 西山憲和, 異種元素導入によるゼオライトの酸強度の制御, ケミカルエンジニアリング, 64 (8), 521-526 (2019).

Takuya Naruta, Takuya Akita, Yoshiaki Uchida, Darja Lisjak, Alenka Mertelj, Norikazu Nishiyama, "Magnetically controllable random laser in ferromagnetic nematic liquid crystals," Opt. Express, Optical Society of America, 27, 24426-24433 (2019). link

Keiichi Yano, Takahiro Hanebuchi, Xu-Jie Zhang, Yoshimitsu Itoh, Yoshiaki Uchida, Takuro Sato, Keisuke Matsuura, Fumitaka Kagawa, Fumito Araoka, Takuzo Aida, "Supramolecular Polymerization in Liquid Crystalline Media: Toward Modular Synthesis of Multifunctional Core–Shell Columnar Liquid Crystals," J. Am. Chem. Soc., American Chemical Society, 141, 10033-10038 (2019).link

Shuichi Suzuki, Ryochi Maya, Yoshiaki Uchida, Takeshi Naota,"Strategy for Stimuli-Induced Spin Control Using a Liquescent Radical Cation," ACS Omega, American Chemical Society, 2, 10031-10035 (2019). link

Koji Miyake, Reina Inoue, Taishi Miura, Masahiro Nakai, Hasna Al-Jabri, Yuichiro Hirota, Yoshiaki Uchida, Shunsuke Tanaka, Manabu Miyamoto, Satoshi Inagaki, Yoshihiro Kubota, Chang Yi Kong, Norikazu Nishiyama,"Improving hydrothermal stability of acid sites in MFI type aluminosilicate zeolite (ZSM-5) by coating MFI type all silica zeolite (silicalite-1) shell layer," Micropor. Mesopor. Mater., Elsevier, 288,109523 (2019). link

田中俊輔, 西山憲和, 「リチウムイオン二次電池用炭素系負極材の開発動向」川崎晋司監修, 第4章 ソフトテンプレート法によるメソポーラスカーボンの合成, シーエムシー出版 (2019)

田中俊輔, 西山憲和, 「ポーラスカーボン材料の合成と応用」西山憲和監修, 第1章 ソフトテンプレート法によるメソポーラスカーボンの合成, シーエムシー出版 (2019)

三宅浩史, 西山憲和, ゼオライトのsolvent/OSDA-free合成, ゼオライト, 36(3), 84-87 (2019). link

Maliwan Subsadsana, Koji Miyake, Kaito Ono, Misaki Ota, Yuichiro Hirota, Norikazu Nishiyama, Sira Sansuk, “Bifunctional ZSM-5/hydrotalcite composite for enhanced production of 5-hydroxymethylfurfural from glucose”, New Journal of Chemistry, 43, 9483-9490 (2019). link

Takuya Akita, Yuki Sugiyama, Taira Yamazaki, Sho Nakagami, Daichi Kiyohara, Yoshiaki Uchida, Norikazu Nishiyama, "Photomagnetic effects in metal-free liquid crystals," Commun. Chem., Springer Nature, 2, 64 (2019).link 英語での紹介記事

Takeru Omiya, Koki Sasaki, Yoshiaki Uchida, Norikazu Nishiyama, "Synthesis of MOF Nanosheets in Hyperswollen Lyotropic Lamellar Phase," Mol. Cryst. Liq. Cryst., Taylor & Francis, 684, 1-6 (2019).link

西山憲和,「レゾルシノール樹脂とトリブロックコポリマーを用いたメソポーラスカーボンの合成」, アロマティックス (Journal of The Japan Aromatic Industry Association, Inc), 71, 75-82 (2019).  link

内田幸明, トピックス「強磁性液晶の実現と応用」, 化学工学, 化学工学会, 83, 244 (2019).link

Hasna Al Jabri, Koji Miyake, Kaito Ono, Masahiro Nakai, Yuichiro Hirota, Yoshiaki Uchida, Manabu Miyamoto, Norikazu Nishiyama, "Synthesis of high silica SSZ-13 in fluoride-free media by dry gel conversion method," Micropor. Mesopor. Mater., Elsevier, 278, 322-326 (2019).link

Ainiyatul Nadiah Mohamad Nasir, NoorfatimahYahaya, Nur Nadhirah Mohamad Zain, VuanghaoLim, Sazlinda Kamaruzaman, Bahruddin Saad, Norikazu Nishiyama, Nao Yoshida, Yuichiro Hirota, "Thiol-functionalized magnetic carbon nanotubes for magnetic micro-solid phase extraction of sulfonamide antibiotics from milks and commercial chicken meat products," Food Chemistry, Elsevier, 276, 458-466 (2019).link

Christine Natalia Soekiman, Koji Miyake, Yuichiro Hirota, Yoshiaki Uchida, Shunsuke Tanaka, Manabu Miyamoto, Norikazu Nishiyama, "Solvent/OSDA-free transformation of unseeded aluminosilicate into various zeolites via mechanochemical and vapor treatments," Micropor. Mesopor. Mater., Elsevier, 273, 273-275 (2019).link

Masahiro Nakai, Koji Miyake, Reina Inoue, Kaito Ono, Hasna Al Jabri, Yuichiro Hirota, Yoshiaki Uchida, Manabu Miyamoto, Norikazu Nishiyama, "Synthesis of high silica *BEA type ferrisilicate (Fe-Beta) by dry gel conversion method using dealuminated zeolites and its catalytic performance on acetone to olefins (ATO) reaction", Micropor. Mesopor. Mater., Elsevier, 273, 189-195, (2019).link

Koji Miyake, Toshiki Takemura, Atsushi Gabe, Yexin Zhu, Misaki Ota, Yasuhiro Shu, Yuichiro Hirota, Yoshiaki Uchida, Shunsuke Tanaka, Misaki Katayama, Yasuhiro Inada, Emilia Morallón, Diego Cazorla-Amorós, Norikazu Nishiyama, "Fabrication of Co/P25 coated with thin nitrogen-doped carbon shells (Co/P25/NC) as an efficient electrocatalyst for oxygen reduction reaction (ORR)," Electrochim. Acta, Elsevier, 296, 867-873 (2019). link

Inside Back Cover Yexin Zhu, Koji Miyake, Yasuhiro Shu, Atsushi Gabe, Yuichiro Hirota, Yoshiaki Uchida, Shunsuke Tanaka, Emilia Morallón, Diego Cazorla-Amorós, Norikazu Nishiyam, "Anchoring a Co/2-methylimidazole complex on ion-exchange resin and its transformation to Co/N-doped carbon as an electrocatalyst for the ORR," Catal. Sci. Tech., The Royal Society of Chemistry, 9, 578-582 (2019).link

2018年 ▲topへ

三宅浩史, 廣田雄一朗, 西山憲和, 解説「ドライゲルコンバージョン法による異種元素導入ゼオライトの合成」, セラミックス, 日本セラミックス協会, 53(11), 806-809 (2018).link

Yusa Takemoto, Elena Zaytseva, Katsuaki Suzuki, Naoki Yoshioka, Yoichi Takanishi, Masahiro Funahashi, Yoshiaki Uchida, Takuya Akita, Jayeong Park, Shuichi Sato, Simon Clevers, Gérard Coquerel, Dmitrii G. Mazhukin, Satoshi Shimono, Masahito Sugiyama, Hiroki Takahashi, Jun Yamauchi, Rui Tamura, "Unique Superparamagnetic‐like Behavior Observed in Non‐π‐delocalized Nitroxide Diradical Compounds Showing Discotic Liquid Crystalline Phase," Chem. Eur. J., Wiley-VCH, 24, 17293-17302 (2018).link

Farah Wahidah Mohd Hassan, Muggundha Raoov, Sazlinda Kamaruzaman, Mohd Marsin Sanagi, Nao Yoshida, Yuichiro Hirota, Norikazu Nishiyama, Noorfatimah Yahaya, "Dispersive liquid–liquid microextraction combined with dispersive solid‐phase extraction for gas chromatography with mass spectrometry determination of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in aqueous matrices," J. Sep. Sci., Wiley, 41, 3655-3814 (2018).link

Hiroki Ueda, Takuya Akita, Yoshiaki Uchida, Tsuyoshi Kimura, "Measuring Magnetically-Tuned Ferroelectric Polarization in Liquid Crystals," J. Vis. Exp., Journal of Visualized Experiments, 138, e58018 (2018).link

Takeru Omiya, Koki Sasaki, Yoshiaki Uchida, Norikazu Nishiyama, "Nanosheet Synthesis of Metal Organic Frameworks in a Sandwich-like Reaction Field for Enhanced Gate-Opening Pressures," ACS Appl. Nano Mater., American Chemical Society, 1, 3779-3784 (2018).link.repository

Misaki Ota, Yuichiro Hirota, Yoshiaki Uchida, Norikazu Nishiyama, "CO2 adsorption property of amine-modified amorphous TiO2 nanoparticles with a high surface area," Colloids Interfaces, MDPI, 2, 25 (2018).link

Sho Nakagami, Takuya Akita, Daichi Kiyohara, Yoshiaki Uchida, Rui Tamura, Norikazu Nishiyama, "Molecular Mobility Effect on Magnetic Interactions in All-Organic Paramagnetic Liquid Crystal with Nitroxide Radical as a Hydrogen-Bonding Acceptor," J. Phys. Chem. B, American Chemical Society, 122, 7409–7415 (2018).link

Nao Yoshida, Yuichiro Hirota, Yoshiaki Uchida, Toshihiro Asada, Naoya Kobayasi, Norikazu Nishiyama, "Solvent-free synthesis and KOH activation of mesoporous carbons using resorcinol/Pluronic F127/hexamethylenetetramine mixture and their application to EDLC," Micropor. Mesopor. Mater., Elsevier, 272, 217-221 (2018).link

Cover FeatureTakatoshi Maeda, Yuuki Kuwajima, Takuya Akita, Yosuke Iwai, Naruyoshi Komiya, Yoshiaki Uchida, Takeshi Naota, "Helicity Control of Supramolecular Gel Fiber Consisting of Achiral Ni(II) Complex in Chiral Nematic Solvent," Chem. Eur. J., WILEY‐VCH, 24, 12546-12554 (2018).link

Misaki Ota, Yuichiro Hirota, Yoshiaki Uchida, Yasuhiro Sakamoto, Norikazu Nishiyama, "Low Temperature Synthesized H2Ti3O7 Nanotubes with a High CO2 Adsorption Property by Amine Modification," Langmuir, American Chemical Society, 34, 6814-6819 (2018).link

Yoshiaki Uchida, Tetsuya Narushima, Junpei Yuasa, “Molecular Technology for Chirality Control: From Structure to Circular Polarization,” in Molecular Technology: Energy Innovation, eds. H. Yamamoto, T. Kato, John Wiley & Sons, New York, chap.6, 2018, pp. 129-154.link

Yuichiro Hirota, Yusuke Yamamoto, Takuto Nakai, Shohei Hayami, Norikazu Nishiyama, "Application of silylated ionic liquid-derived organosilica membranes to simultaneous separation of methanol and H2O from H2 and CO2 at high temperature," Journal of Membrane Science, Elsevier, 563, 345-350 (2018).link

Koji Miyake, Reina Inoue, Masahiro Nakai, Yuichiro Hirota, Yoshiaki Uchida, Shunsuke Tanaka, Manabu Miyamoto, Norikazu Nishiyama, "Fabrication of Pt nanoparticles encapsulated in single crystal like silicalite-1 zeolite as a catalyst for shape-selective hydrogenation of C6 olefins," Microporous and Mesoporous Materials, Elsevier, 271, 156-159 (2018).link

Mohamed H. M. Ahmed, Oki Muraza, Koji Miyake, Yuichiro Hirota, Norikazu Nishiyama, "Orchestrating fluoride effect, secondary growth and microwave irradiation in the synthesis of EU-1/ZSM-48 intergrowth crystals for the conversion of dimethyl ether to olefins," Microporous and Mesoporous Materials, Elsevier, 267, 115-123 (2018).link

山崎泰良, 「EPR測定を用いた純有機NR液晶の磁性研究」, 電子スピンサイエンス, 電子スピンサイエンス学会, 16, 43 (2018).link

内田幸明, 「自己組織化による液晶エマルションの機能化」, Colloid & Interface Communication, 日本化学会コロイドおよび界面化学部会, 43, 32 (2018).link

Idris A. Bakare, Oki Muraza, Mohammed A. Sanhoob, Koji Miyake, Yuichiro Hirota, Zain H. Yamani, Norikazu Nishiyama, “Dimethyl ether-to-olefins over aluminum rich ZSM-5: The role of Ca and La as modifiers”, Fuel, 211, 18-26 (2018).link

内田幸明, トピックス「液晶性化合物のインフォマティクス」, 化学工学, 化学工学会, 82, 175 (2018).link

内田幸明, 西澤巧馬, 大宮 尊, 廣田雄一朗, 西山憲和, 解説「超膨潤ラメラ相中のナノシート生成」, 液晶, 日本液晶学会, 22, 37 (2018).link

2017年 ▲topへ

Hiroki Ueda, Takuya Akita, Yoshiaki Uchida, Tsuyoshi Kimura, "Room-temperature magnetoelectric effect in a chiral smectic liquid crystal," Appl. Phys. Lett., American Institute of Physics, 111, 262901 (2017). link

Salman Raza Naqvi, M. Naqvi, Tayyaba Noor, Arshad Hussain, Naseem Iqbal, Yoshimitsu Uemura, Norikazu Nishiyama, “Catalytic Pyrolysis of Botryococcus Braunii (microalgae) over Layered and Delaminated Zeolites for Aromatic Hydrocarbon Production”, Energy Procedia, 142, 381-385 (2017)

Takuya Akita, Daichi Kiyohara, Taira Yamazaki, Yoshiaki Uchida, Norikazu Nishiyama, "Large negative magneto-LC effects induced by racemic dimerization of liquid crystalline nitroxide radicals with a terminal cyano group", J. Mater. Chem. C, The Royal Society of Chemistry, 5, 12457-12465 (2017). link repository

西山憲和,「プロセス強化(PI)」の技術 化学工学会監修, 4.2ゼオライト膜システム(三恵社2017年11月)

内田幸明, 20周年特別企画記事「分子の機能を引き出す最高の場としての液晶」, 液晶, 日本液晶学会, 21, 347 (2017).link

Inside Back Cover Kaito Ono, Koji Miyake, Masahiro Nakai, Hasna Al Jabri, Yuichiro Hirota, Yoshiaki Uchida, Shunsuke Tanaka, Manabu Miyamoto, Norikazu Nishiyama, "Development of AEI type germanoaluminophosphate (GeAPO-18) with ultra-weak acid sites and its catalytic properties on methanol to olefins (MTO) reaction," Catal. Sci. Tech., The Royal Society of Chemistry, 7, 4622–4628 (2017).link

Koji Miyake, Kaito Ono, Masahiro Nakai, Yuichiro Hirota, Yoshiaki Uchida, Shunsuke Tanaka, Manabu Miyamoto, Norikazu Nishiyama, "Solvent- and OSDA-Free Synthesis of ZSM-5 Assisted by Mechanochemical and Vapor Treatments," ChemistrySelect, Wiley-VCH, 2, 7651–7653 (2017).link

Kota Nagura, Yusa Takemoto, Satori Moronaga, Yoshiaki Uchida, Satoshi Shimono, Akihiko Shiino, Kenji Tanigaki, Tsukuru Amano, Fumi Yoshino, Yohei Noda, Satoshi Koizumi, Naoki Komatsu, Tatsuhisa Kato, Jun Yamauchi, Rui Tamura, "Preparation of robust metal-free magnetic nanoemulsions encapsulating low-molecular-weight nitroxide radicals and hydrophobic drugs directed toward MRI-visible targeted delivery," Chem. Eur. J., Wiley-VCH, 23, 15713–15720 (2017).link

内田幸明, 支部だより「大阪大学の化学工学」, 化学と工業, 日本化学会, 70, 942 (2017).link

Yuichiro Hirota, Yohei Maeda, Yusuke Yamamoto, Manabu Miyamoto, Norikazu Nishiyama, "Organosilica membrane with ionic liquid properties for separation of toluene/H2 mixture," Materials., MDPI, 10, 901-907 (2017).link

Meila Aidil Fitri, Misaki Ota, Yuichiro Hirota, Yoshiaki Uchida, Kohei Hara, Daisuke Ino, Norikazu Nishiyama, "Fabrication of TiO2-graphene photocatalyst by direct chemical vapor deposition and its anti-fouling property," Mater. Chem. Phys., Elsevier, 198, 42-48 (2017).link

Teguh Kurniawan, Oki Muraza, Koji Miyake, Abbas Hakeem, Yuichiro Hirota, Adnan Al-Amer, Norikazu Nishiyama, "Conversion of dimethyl ether to olefins over nanosized mordenite fabricated by a combined high-energy ball milling with recrystallization," Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., American Chemical Society, 56, 4258-4266 (2017).link

Kaori Hirahara, Koji Hiraishi, Konan Imadate, Zhenzi Xu, Yuichiro Hirota, Norikazu Nishiyama, "Ultra-flexible spiked-shell microparticles of aerographite," Carbon, Elsevier, 118, 607-614 (2017).link

Hiroshi Kouno, Yosuke Iwai, Yoshiaki Uchida, Yuichiro Hirota, Norikazu Nishiyama, "Real-time observation of hydrogen peroxide transport through oil phase in a W/O/W double emulsion with chemiluminescence emission," Langmuir, American Chemical Society, 33, 3802–3808 (2017).link repository

Yusa Takemoto, Yoshiaki Uchida, Satoshi Shimono, Jun Yamauchi, Rui Tamura, "Preparation and Magnetic Properties of Nitroxide Radical Liquid Crystalline Physical Gels," Mol. Cryst. Liq. Cryst., Taylor & Francis, 647, 279-289 (2017).link

Front Cover Takuya Akita, Taira Yamazaki, Yoshiaki Uchida, Norikazu Nishiyama, “Magnetic Properties of Terminal Iodinated Nitroxide Radical Liquid Crystals”, Polyhedron, Elsevier, 136, 79-86 (2017).link repository

Front Cover Koji Miyake, Yuichiro Hirota, Kaito Ono, Yoshiaki Uchida, Manabu Miyamoto, Norikazu Nishiyama, "Synthesis of MFI type ferrisilicate zeolite (Fe-MFI) nanocrystals by a dry gel conversion (DGC) method and their application to methanol to olefin (MTO) reactions," New J. Chem., RSC, 41, 2235-2240 (2017).link

Wen Hu, Nao Yoshida, Yuichiro Hirota, Shunsuke Tanaka, Norikazu Nishiyama, "Solvothermal co-gelation synthesis of N-doped three-dimensional open macro/mesoporous carbon as efficient electrocatalyst for oxygen reduction reaction," Electrochem. Commun., Elsevier, 75, 9-12 (2017).link

Front Cover Takuya Akita, Hiroshi Kouno, Yosuke Iwai, Yoshiaki Uchida, Norikazu Nishiyama, "Room-temperature fabrication of mono-dispersed liquid crystalline shells with high viscosity and high melting points," J. Mater. Chem. C, The Royal Society of Chemistry, 5, 1303-1307 (2017). link repository

Back Cover Yosuke Iwai, Yoshiaki Uchida, Hiroshi Yabu, Norikazu Nishiyama, "3D Lattice Structure Control of Ordered Macroporous Material by Self-Assembly of Liquid Droplets," Macromol. Rapid Commun., WILEY-VCH, 38, 1600502 (2017).link

2016年 ▲topへ

内田幸明, 解説「ソフトテンプレートを用いた機能性材料合成」, ケミカルエンジニヤリング, 化学工業社, 61, 870-875 (2016).link

内田幸明, 解説「ソフトテンプレート材料合成」, 化学と工業, 日本化学会, 69, 1054 (2016).link

内田幸明, 若手研究者紹介「専門はさておき」, 液晶, 日本液晶学会, 20, 239 (2016).link

Yuichiro Hirota, Norikazu Nishiyama, "Pore Size Control of Microporous Carbon Membranes and Application to H2 Separation," J. Jpn. Petro. Inst., The Japan Petroleum Institute, 59, 266-275 (2016). link

Misaki Ota, Bram Dwijaya, Yuichiro Hirota, Yoshiaki Uchida, Shunsuke Tanaka, Norikazu Nishiyama, "Synthesis of Amorphous TiO2 Nanoparticles with a High Surface Area and Their Transformation to Li4Ti5O12 Nanoparticles," Chem. Lett., The Chemical Society of Japan, 45, 1285-1287 (2016). link

Yuichiro Hirota, Mutsuki Kayama, Tomoki Kamiya, Akira Ito, "Hydrophobic Al2O3 Membrane for Sucrose Concentration via Vacuum Membrane Distillation System", J. Chem. Eng. Japan, 49, 915-919 (2016). link

Koji Miyake, Yuichiro Hirota, Kaito Ono, Yoshiaki Uchida, Shunsuke Tanaka, Norikazu Nishiyama, "Direct and selective conversion of methanol to para-xylene over Zn ion doped ZSM-5/silicalite-1 core-shell zeolite catalyst," J. Catal., Elsevier, 342, 63-66 (2016).link

Yosuke Iwai, Yoshiaki Uchida, Norikazu Nishiyama, "Self-Assembled Magnetic Control Lever Embedded in Photonic Liquid Crystalline Microcapsule," Adv. Opt. Mater., WILEY-VCH, 4, 1961-1964 (2016).link

Takuya Akita, Yoshiaki Uchida, Norikazu Nishiyama, "The Effects of Linking Group on Liquid Crystallinity of Nitroxide Radical Compounds," Chem. Lett., The Chemical Society of Japan, 45, 910-912 (2016). link

Yoshiaki Uchida, Sekai Iwama, Gérard Coquerel, Rui Tamura, "A Kinetic/Thermodynamic Origin of Regular Chiral Fluctuation or Symmetry Breaking Unique to Preferential Enrichment," Chem. Eur. J., Wiley-VCH, 22, 11660-11666 (2016). link

Kaho Yamamoto, Yosuke Iwai, Yoshiaki Uchida, Norikazu Nishiyama, "Finite-difference time-domain analysis of light propagation in cholesteric liquid crystalline droplet array," Jpn. J. Appl. Phys., The Japan Society of Applied Physics, 55, 082001 (2016). link

Yuichiro Hirota, Mayuka Yamada, Yoshiaki Uchida, Yasuhiro Sakamoto, Toshiyuki Yokoi, Norikazu Nishiyama, "Synthesis of SAPO-18 with low acidic strength and its application in conversion of dimethylether to olefins," Micropor. Mesopor. Mater., Elsevier, 232, 65-69 (2016).link

Koji Miyake, Yuichiro Hirota, Kaito Ono, Yoshiaki Uchida, Norikazu Nishiyama, "Selective Production of Benzene, Toluene and p-Xylene (BTpX) from Various C1-3 Feedstocks over ZSM-5/Silicalite-1 Core-Shell Zeolite Catalyst," ChemistrySelect, Wiley-VCH, 5, 967-969 (2016). link

田中俊輔,西山憲和: 「ナノ空間材料ハンドブック」有賀克彦監修, 第1章 メソ多孔体類, 12節 有機鋳型法によるメソポーラスカーボンの合成 (エヌ・ティー・エス2016年2月).link

Koji Miyake, Mayuka Yamada, Yusuke Sugiura, Yuichiro Hirota, Yoshiaki Uchida, Norikazu Nishiyama, "Synthesis of mesoporous MFI zeolite by dry gel conversion with ZnO particles and the catalytic activity on TMB cracking," J. Porous Mater., Springer, 23, 311-316 (2016). link

Yuichiro Hirota, Yohei Maeda, Takashi Furusawa, Norikazu Nishiyama, Akira Ito, "Separation of C6H6 and C6H12 from H2 using Ionic Liquid/PVDF Composite Membrane," AIChE J., WILEY-VCH, 62, 624-628 (2016).link

Katsuaki Suzuki, Yusa Takemoto, Shohei Takaoka, Koji Taguchi, Yoshiaki Uchida, Dmitrii G. Mazhukin, Igor A. Grigor'ev and Rui Tamura, "Chiral All-Organic Nitroxide Biradical Liquid Crystal Showing Remarkably Large Positive Magneto-LC Effects," Chem. Commun., The Royal Society of Chemistry, 52, 3935-3938 (2016).link

Yoshiaki Uchida, Takuma Nishizawa, Takeru Omiya, Yuichiro Hirota, Norikazu Nishiyama, "Nanosheet Formation in Hyperswollen Lyotropic Lamellar Phases," J. Am. Chem. Soc., American Chemical Society, 138, 1103-1105 (2016). link repository

Takahito Mitome, Yuichiro Hirota, Yoshiaki Uchida, Norikazu Nishiyama, "Porous structure and pore size control of mesoporous carbons using a combination of a soft-templating method and a solvent evaporation technique," Colloids Surf. A, Elsevier, 494, 180-185 (2016).link

Takuya Akita, Yoshiaki Uchida, Daichi Kiyohara, Sho Nakagami, Norikazu Nishiyama, "Paramagnetic Nitroxide Radical Liquid Crystalline Compounds with Methyl di(ethylene glycol) Chain," Ferroelectrics, Taylor & Francis, 495, 97?104 (2016). link repository

Galal Nasser, Teguh Kurniawan, Koji Miyake, Ahmad Galadima, Yuichiro Hirota, Norikazu Nishiyamab, Oki Muraza, "Dimethyl ether to olefins over dealuminated mordenite (MOR) zeolites derived from natural minerals," J. Nat. Gas Sci. Eng., Elsevier, 28, 566-571 (2016).link

Alina Kudasheva, Tomoki Kamiya, Yuichiro Hirota, Akira Ito, "Dehumidification of air using liquid membranes with ionic liquids," J. Membr. Sci., Elsevier, 499, 379-385 (2016).link

2015年 ▲topへ

内田幸明, 解説「コレステリック液晶マイクロカプセルの作製と応用」, 液晶, 日本液晶学会, 19, 204 (2015).link

Mohamed H.M. Ahmed, Oki Muraza, Adnan M. Al-Amer, Koji Miyake, Norikazu Nishiyama, "Development of hierarchical EU-1 zeolite by sequential alkaline and acid treatments for selective dimethyl ether to propylene (DTP)," Appl. Catal. A: Gen., Elsevier, 497, 127-134 (2015).link

Yoshiaki Uchida, Rui Tamura, Katsuaki Suzuki, Yoshio Aoki, Hiroyuki Nohira, "Synthesis and Characterization of a New Series of Paramagnetic Ferroelectric Liquid Crystalline Nitroxide Radicals," Mol. Cryst. Liq. Cryst., Taylor & Francis, 615, 89-106 (2015).link

Yosuke Iwai, Hiroki Kaji, Yoshiaki Uchida, Norikazu Nishiyama, "Temperature-dependent Color Change of Cholesteric Liquid Crystalline Core-shell Microspheres," Mol. Cryst. Liq. Cryst., Taylor & Francis, 615, 9-13 (2015). link repository

廣田雄一朗, 田村真吾, 下山裕介, 伊東章, "SAPO-34膜のマイクロ波加熱合成における急速加熱効果", 化学工学論文集, 41, 228-232 (2015). link

Rui Tamura, Yoshiaki Uchida, Katsuaki Suzuki, "Observation of Magnetoelectric Effect in In All-Organic Ferromagnetic and Ferroelectric Liquid Crystals in an Applied Magnetic Field," R. Tamura, M. Miyata (eds.), Advances in Organic Crystal Chemistry: Comprehensive Review 2015, Springer Japan, Tokyo, 2015, chap. 35, pp. 689-706.link

Yusa Takemoto, Takayuki Yamamoto, Naohiko Ikuma, Yoshiaki Uchida, Katsuaki Suzuki, Satoshi Shimono, Hiroki Takahashi, Nobuhiro Sato, Yojiro Oba, Rintaro Inoue, Masaaki Sugiyama, Hirohito Tsue, Tatsuhisa Kato, Jun Yamauchi, Rui Tamura, "Preparation, characterization and magnetic behavior of a spin-labelled physical hydrogel containing a chiral cyclic nitroxide radical unit fixed inside the gelator molecule," Soft Matter, The Royal Society of Chemistry, 11, 5563-5570 (2015).link

Yoshiaki Uchida, Ken Sakai, Kaho Yamamoto, Norikazu Nishiyama, "Size Control of ZnO Tetrapod in Gas-phase Synthesis using Flow Restrictor," Chem. Lett., The Chemical Society of Japan, 44, 1188-1190 (2015).link

Manabu Miyamoto, Kota Mabuchi, Jun Kamada, Yuichiro Hirota, Yasunori Oumi, Norikazu Nishiyama, Shigeyuki Uemiya, "para-Selectivity of silicalite-1 coated MFI type galloaluminosilicate in aromatization of light alkanes," J. Porous Mater., Springer, 22, 769-778 (2015). link

Takahito Mitome, Yoshiaki Uchida, Norikazu Nishiyama, "Facile Synthesis of Nanoporous Carbons with High Surface Area and Their CO2 Adsorption Properties," Chem. Lett., The Chemical Society of Japan, 44, 1004-1006 (2015). link.

Back Cover Yoshiaki Uchida, Tatsuya Matsumoto, Takuya Akita, Norikazu Nishiyama, “Ion Conductive Properties in Ionic Liquid Crystal Confined in Porous Membrane,” J. Mater. Chem. C, Royal Society of Chemistry, 3, 6144-6147 (2015). link repository

Takuya Akita, Yoshiaki Uchida, Sho Nakagami, Daichi Kiyohara, Norikazu Nishiyama, "Ferronematics Based on Paramagnetic Nitroxide Radical Liquid Crystal," Crystals, MDPI Publishing, 5, 206-214 (2015). link

Noorfatimah Yahaya, Mohd Marsin Sanagi, Takahito Mitome, Norikazu Nishiyama, Wan Aini Wan Ibrahim, Hadi Nur, "Dispersive Micro-Solid Phase Extraction Combined with High-Performance Liquid Chromatography for the Determination of Three Penicillins in Milk Samples," Food Anal. Method., Springer, 8, 1079-1087 (2015). link

Takahito Mitome, Yoshiaki Uchida, Norikazu Nishiyama, "Vapor infiltration synthesis of nitrogen-containing ordered mesoporous carbon films and the electrochemical properties," J. Chem. Eng. Jpn., The Society of Chemical Engineers, Japan, 48, 245-251 (2015). link

Mohamed H.M. Ahmed, Oki Muraza, Adnan M. Al Amer, Yusuke Sugiura, Norikazu Nishiyama, "Development of desilicated EU-1 zeolite and its application in conversion of dimethyl ether to olefins," Micropor. Mesopor. Mater., Elsevier, 207, 9-16 (2015). link

Takuya Akita, Yoshiaki Uchida, Norikazu Nishiyama, "Terminal Fluorinated Nitroxide Radical Liquid Crystalline Compounds," Mol. Cryst. Liq. Cryst., Taylor & Francis, 613, 174-180 (2015). link link

Yosuke Iwai, Hiroshi Kouno, Yoshiaki Uchida, Norikazu Nishiyama, "Effects of Photonic Band Gap of Cholesteric Liquid Crystal on Chemiluminescence," Mol. Cryst. Liq. Cryst., Taylor & Francis, 613, 163-166 (2015). link repository

Yusuke Sugiura, Yuichiro Hirota, Yoshiaki Uchida, Norikazu Nishiyama, "Synthesis of TS-1 Zeolite Covered with Silicalite-1 and Catalytic Activity on Liquid Phase Oxidation," Chem. Lett., The Chemical Society of Japan, 44, 477-479 (2015). link

内田幸明, 注目の論文「自律的に変形を繰り返す液晶液滴」, 化学, 70, 65 (2015). link

Yoshiaki Uchida, Yosuke Iwai, Takuya Akita, Kaho Yamamoto, Norikazu Nishiyama, "Size Control of Cholesteric Liquid Crystalline Microcapsules," Mol. Cryst. Liq. Cryst., Taylor & Francis, 613, 82-87 (2015). link repository

2014年 ▲topへ

西山憲和: 「エネルギー・化学プロセスにおける膜分離技術」喜多英敏監修, 第3章 無機分離膜の分離機構と開発・応用動向, 第5節 炭素膜の開発と応用技術 (S&T出版2014年12月).link

宮本 学,上宮 成之,西山 憲和, Core-Shell構造ゼオライトによる選択的パラキシレン合成, 化学工学, 78, 449-451 (2014). link

Yoshiaki Uchida, Yosuke Iwai, Takuya Akita, Takahito Mitome, Katsuaki Suzuki, Rui Tamura, Norikazu Nishiyama, "Magnetically Transportable Core-Shell Emulsion Droplets with Antioxidative All-Organic Paramagnetic Liquid Shell," J. Mater. Chem. B, Royal Society of Chemistry, 2, 4130-4133 (2014). link

Takahito Mitome, Yosuke Iwai, Yoshiaki Uchida, Yasuyuki Egashira, Mikiya Matsuura, Kazuhiko Maekawa, Norikazu Nishiyama, "Synthesis of mesoporous carbons using triblock copolymer containing sulfonic acid group and their capacitance property," J. Mater. Chem. A, Royal Society of Chemistry, 2, 10104-10108 (2014). link

Front Cover Yosuke Iwai, Hiroki Kaji, Yoshiaki Uchida, Norikazu Nishiyama, “Chemiluminescence Emission in Cholesteric Liquid Crystalline Core-shell Microcapsules,” J. Mater. Chem. C, Royal Society of Chemistry, 2, 4904-4908 (2014). link repository

内田幸明, 常磁性有機ラジカル液晶の磁性に関する研究, 電子スピンサイエンス, 22, 4-9 (2014). link

Takahito Mitome, Yoshiaki Uchida, Yasuyuki Egashira, Norikazu Nishiyama, "Synthesis of ordered mesoporous carbon films with a 3D pore structure and the electrochemical performance of electrochemical double layer capacitors," Colloid Surface A, Elsevier, 449, 51-56 (2014). link

Andrey Vorobiev, Natalia Chumakova, Daria Pomogailo, Yoshiaki Uchida, Katsuaki Suzuki, Yohei Noda, Rui Tamura, "Determination of structural characteristics of all-organic radical liquid crystals based on analysis of the dipole-dipole broadened EPR spectra," J. Phys. Chem. B, American Chemical Society, 118, 1932-1942 (2014). link

内田幸明, コレステリックブルー相の安定化, 化学工学, 78, 155 (2014). link

Yuichiro Hirota, Mohd Syafiq Elias, Bram Dwijaya, Yoshiaki Uchida, Norikazu Nishiyama, "Triblock Copolymer-controlled Crystallization of ZnO Nanorod-microspheres from Aqueous Solution," Chem. Lett., The Chemical Society of Japan, 43, 360-362 (2014). link

Rui Tamura, Yoshiaki Uchida, Katsuaki Suzuki, "Magnetic Properties of Organic Radical Liquid Crystals and Metallomesogens," in Handbook of Liquid Crystals, eds. J. Goodby, P. J. Collings, T. Kato, C. Tschierske, H. Gleeson, P. Raynes, WILEY-VCH, Weinheim, chap. 28, 2014, pp. 1-28 link

2013年 ▲topへ

Noorfatimah Yahaya, Takahito Mitome, Norikazu Nishiyama, Mohd Marsin Sanagi, Wan Aini Wan Ibrahim, Hadi Nur, "Rapid Dispersive Micro-Solid Phase Extraction Using Mesoporous Carbon COU-2 in the Analysis of Cloxacillin in Water," J. Pharm. Innov., Springer, 8, 240-246 (2013). link

Yuichiro Hirota,* Akinori Ishikado, Yoshiaki Uchida, Yasuyuki Egashira, Norikazu Nishiyama, "Pore Size Control of Microporous Carbon Membranes by Post-Synthesis Activation and Their Use in a Membrane Reactor for Dehydrogenation of Methylcyclohexane," J. Membr. Sci., Elsevier, 440, 134-139 (2013). link

Yoshiaki Uchida,* Yoichi Takanishi, Jun Yamamoto, "Controlled Fabrication and Photonic Structure of Cholesteric Liquid Crystalline Shells," Adv. Mater., Wiley-VCH, 25, 3234-3237 (2013). link

Katsuaki Suzuki, Yoshiaki Uchida, Rui Tamura,* Yohei Noda, Naohiko Ikuma, Satoshi Shimono and Jun Yamauchi, "Influence of applied electric fields on the positive magneto-LC effects observed in the ferroelectric liquid crystalline phase of a chiral nitroxide radical compound," Soft Matter, The Royal Society of Chemistry, 9, 4687-4692 (2013). link

Naoyuki Ueno, Bram Dwijaya, Yoshiaki Uchida, Yasuyuki Egashira, Norikazu Nishiyama*, "Synthesis of mesoporous ZnO, AZO, and BZO transparent conducting films using nonionic triblock copolymer as template," Mater. Lett., Elsevier, 100, 111-114 (2013). link

Yoshiaki Uchida,* Katsuaki Suzuki, Rui Tamura, Yoshio Aoki, Hiroyuki Nohira, "Pretransitional Layer Contraction at the Chiral Smectic A-to-Chiral Smectic C Phase Transition of a Chiral Nitroxide Radical," J. Phys. Chem. B, American Chemical Society, 117, 3054-3060 (2013). link

Takahito Mitome, Yoshiaki Uchida, Yasuyuki Egashira, Kazuyuki Hayashi, Akio Nishiura, Norikazu Nishiyama, "Adsorption of indole on KOH-activated mesoporous carbon," Colloid Surface A, Elsevier, 424, 89-95 (2013). link

内田幸明, 超分子キラルニトロキシド液晶の磁気液晶効果, 電子スピンサイエンス, 20, 24-25 (2013). link

Rui Tamura, Katsuaki Suzuki, Yoshiaki Uchida, "EPR characterization of diamagnetic and magnetic organic soft materials using nitroxide spin probe techniques," in Electron Paramagnetic Resonance, Vol. 23, RSC Publishing, Cambridge, 2013, pp. 1-21 link

Katsuaki Suzuki,* Yoshiaki Uchida, Rui Tamura, Yohei Noda, Naohiko Ikuma, Satoshi Shimono, Jun Yamauchi, "Electric Field Dependence of Molecular Orientation and Anisotropic Magnetic Interactions in the Ferroelectric Liquid Crystalline Phase of an Organic Radical Compound by EPR Spectroscopy," Adv. Sci. Tech., 82, 50-54 (2013) link

Norikazu Nishiyama and Shunsuke Tanaka, "Nanoporous materials: synthesis and applications," Editor Qaing Xu, Chapter 4: Ordered mesoporous carbons prepared by a soft-templating method, Taylor and Francis (2013) link

2012年 ▲topへ

Naoyuki Ueno, Kouji Nakanishi, Toshiaki Ohta, Yasuyuki Egashira; Norikazu Nishiyama, "Low-temperature synthesis of ZnO nanorods using organic-inorganic composite as seed layer," Thin Solid Films, 520, 4291-4296 (2012) link

Yuichiro Hirota, Yuichi Nakano, Kazuo Watanabe, Yoshiaki Uchida, Yasuyuki Egashira, Norikazu Nishiyama, "Effect of crystal size on acetone conversion over SAPO-34 crystals," Catal. Lett., 142, 464-468 (2012) link

Yuichiro Hirota, Kazuo Watanabe, Yoshiaki Uchida, Yasuyuki Egashira, Kaname Yoshida, Yukichi Sasaki and Norikazu Nishiyama, "Coke deposition in the SAPO-34 membranes for examining the effects of zeolitic and non-zeolitic pathways on the permeation and separation properties in gas and vapor permeations," J. Membr. Sci., 415-416, 176-180 (2012) link

Naoyuki Ueno, Akinobu Yamamoto, Yoshiaki Uchida, Yasuyuki Egashira, Norikazu Nishiyama, "Low-temperature hydrothermal synthesis of ZnO nanosheet using organic/inorganic composite as seed layer," Mater. Lett., 86, 65-68 (2012) link

Yoshiaki Uchida,* Katsuaki Suzuki, Rui Tamura, "Magneto-LC Effects in Hydrogen-Bonded All-Organic Radical Liquid Crystal," J. Phys. Chem. B., 116, 9791-9795 (2012) link

Katsuaki Suzuki, Yoshiaki Uchida, Rui Tamura,* Satoshi Shimono, Jun Yamauchi, "Observation of positive and negative magneto-LC effects in all-organic nitroxide radical liquid crystals by EPR spectroscopy," J. Mater. Chem., 22, 6799-6806 (2012) link

西山憲和, 三留敬人, 田中俊輔, 有機鋳型法による多孔性炭素材料の合成, 科学と工業, 86, 156-163 (2012) link

廣田雄一朗,西山憲和,リン酸系ゼオライトSAPO-34触媒と分離膜の開発,セラミックデータブック 2012/13(工業と製品), 40, 66-68 (2012)

西山憲和,「化学工学誌をもとに技術変遷を振り返る」材料(ナノテクノロジー) , 化学工学, 76, 284-285 (2012) link

田村類, 内田幸明, 鈴木克明, 伊熊直彦, 下野智史, 能田洋平, "純有機ニトロキシドラジカル液晶中における磁気液晶効果の観察," 液晶, 16, 131-141 (2012) link

Rui Tamura, Yoshiaki Uchida, Katsuaki Suzuki, "Magnetic Liquid Crystals," in Liquid Crystals Beyond Displays: Chemistry, Physics, and Applications, ed. Q. Li, John Wiley & Sons, New York, chap.3, 2012, pp. 83-110 link

Rui Tamura, Yoshiaki Uchida, Katsuaki Suzuki, "Magnetic and Electric Properties of Organic Nitroxide Radical Liquid Crystals and Ionic Liquids," in Nitroxides - Theory, Experiment and Applications, ed. A. Kokorin, Open Access Publisher, Rijeka, chap.6, 2012, pp. 191-210 link

2011年 ▲topへ

Kyohei Makita, Yuichiro Hirota, Yasuyuki Egashira, Kaname Yoshida, Yukichi Sasaki, Norikazu Nishiyama, "Synthesis of MCM-22 zeolite membranes and vapor permeation of water/acetic acid mixtures," J. Membr. Sci., 372, 269-276. (2011) link

Jin Jin, Takahito Mitome, Yasuyuki Egashira, Norikazu Nishiyama, "Phase control of ordered mesoporous carbon synthesized by a soft-templating method," Colloids and Surfaces A, 384, 58–61 (2011) link

Jin Jin, Takahito Mitome, Yasuyuki Egashira, Norikazu Nishiyama, "Effect of surface area of ultramicro-, micro- and mesopores on the electric double-layer capacitance property of ordered mesoporous carbons," J. Chem. Eng. Jpn, 44, 518-523 (2011) link

Hirotomo Nishihara, Taeri Kwon, Yu Fukura, Wataru Nakayama, Yasuto Hoshikawa, Shinichiroh Iwamura, Norikazu Nishiyama, Tetsuji Itoh, Takashi Kyotani, "Fabrication of a highly conductive ordered porous electrode by carbon-coating of a continuous mesoporous silica film," Chem. Mater., 23, 3144-3151 (2011) link

Nobuhide Takahashi, Hiroyuki Hamano, Yasuyuki Egashira, Masahiro Saito, Toshinori Kojima, Yukuo Abe and Koichi Yamada, Effects of water supply on the growth rate and water use efficiency of trees in arid land afforestation in Western Australia, J. Chem. Eng. Jpn, 44, 788-797 (2011) link

Shunsuke Tanaka, Norikazu Nishiyama, Morphology Control of Ordered Mesoporous Carbon Using Organic-Templating Approach, Progress in Molecular and Environmental Bioengineering - From Analysis and Modeling to Technology Applications, ed. Angelo Carpi, InTech, Open Access Publisher, chap. 24, (2011) 533-550. link

西山憲和, 田中俊輔, ソフトテンプレート法による規則性メソポーラスカーボンの合成, 炭素(TANSO), 247, 70-74 (2011) link

田中俊輔・西山憲和: 「触媒調製ハンドブック」岩本正和監修, 第3編 多孔体触媒第2章メソ孔物質, 5節メソポーラスシリカ薄膜の調製 (エヌティーエス2011年) link

2010年 ▲topへ

Jin Jin, Shunsuke Tanaka, Yasuyuki Egashira and Norikazu Nishiyama: KOH activation of ordered mesoporous carbons prepared by a soft-templating method and their enhanced electrochemical properties, Carbon, 48, 1985-1989 (2010) link

Yong-Rong Dong, Masaru Nakao, Norikazu Nishiyama, Yasuyuki Egashira and Korekazu Ueyama: Gas permeation and pervaporation of water/alcohols through the microporous carbon membranes prepared from resorcinol/formaldehyde/quaternary ammonium compounds, Sep. Purif. Tech., 73, 2-7 (2010) link

Dung Van Vu, Yuichiro Hirota, Norikazu Nishiyama, Yasuyuki Egashira and Korekazu Ueyama: High propylene selectivity in methanol-to-olefin reaction over H-ZSM-5 catalyst treated with phosphoric acid”, J. Jpn. Petrol. Inst., 53, 232-238 (2010) link

Yuichiro Hirota, Kenji Murata, Shunsuke Tanaka, Norikazu Nishiyama, Yasuyuki Egashira and Korekazu Ueyama: Dry gel conversion synthesis of SAPO-34 nanocrystals, Mater. Chem. Phys., 123, 507-509 (2010) link

Yuichiro Hirota, Kenji Murata, Manabu Miyamoto, Yasuyuki Egashira and Norikazu Nishiyama: Light olefins synthesis from methanol and dimethylether over SAPO-34 nanocrystals, Cat. Lett., 140, 22-26 (2010) link

Naoyuki Ueno, Takanori Maruo, Norikazu Nishiyama, Yasuyuki Egashira, Korekazu Ueyama: Low temperature synthesis of ZnO nanorods using a seed layer of zinc acetate/sodium dodecyle sulfate nanocomposite, Mater. Lett., 64, 513-515(2010) link

Yu Horiuchi, Haruhisa Ura, Hye-jin Yoo, Takashi Kamegawa, Kohsuke Mori, Norikazu Nishiyama and Hiromi Yamashita: Coating of transparent Ti-containing mesoporous silica thin films on quartz and aluminum alloy substrates for fabrication of highly hydrophilic surfaces, ISIJ International, 50, 255-258 (2010) link

宮本学, 西山憲和, Core-Shell型ゼオライトを用いたパラキシレン合成, ゼオライト(Zeolite News Letters) , 27, 138-144 (ゼオライト学会, 2010) link

Johan van den Bergh, Norikazu Nishiyama and Freek Kapteijn: Novel Concepts in Catalysis and Chemical Reactors, ed. Andrzej Cybulski, Jacob Moulijn and Andrzej Stankiewicz: "Zeolite membranes in catalysis; What is new and how bright in the future?," Chapter 4 (Wiley-VCH, 2010) link


2009年 ▲topへ

Dung Van Vu, Manabu Miyamoto, Norikazu Nishiyama, Yasuyuki Egashira and Korekazu Ueyama: Morphology control of silicalite/HZSM-5 composite catalysts for the formation of para-xylene, Catalysis Letters, 127, 233-238 (2009) link

Jin Jin, Norikazu Nishiyama, Yasuyuki Egashira and Korekazu Ueyama: Vapor phase synthesis of ultrathin carbon films with a mesoporous monolayer by a soft-templating method, Chem. Commun., 2009, 1371-1373 (2009) link

Yong-Rong Dong, Norikazu Nishiyama, Masaya Kodama, Yasuyuki Egashira and Korekazu Ueyama: Nitrogen-containing microporous carbons prepared from anionic surfactant-melamine/formaldehyde composites, Carbon, 47, 2138-2141 (2009) link

Norikazu Nishiyama, Masumi Kawaguchi, Yuichiro Hirota, Dung Van Vu, Yasuyuki Egashira and Korekazu Ueyama: Size control of SAPO-34 crystals and their catalyst lifetime in the methanol-to-olefin reaction, Appl. Catal. A, 362, 193-199 (2009) link

Shunsuke Tanaka, Hiroaki Okada, Norihito Nakatani, Takanori Maruo, Norikazu Nishiyama and Yoshikazu Miyake: Mesoporous aluminosilicates assembled from dissolved LTA zeolite and triblock copolymer in the presence of tetramethylammonium hydroxide, J. Colloid Interface Sci., 333, 491–496 (2009) link

Fidelis Hubertson Simanjuntak, Jin Jin, Norikazu Nishiyama, Yasuyuki Egashira and Korekazu Ueyama: Ordered mesoporous carbon films prepared from 1,5-dihydroxynaphthalene/triblock copolymer composites, Carbon, 47, 2531-2533 (2009) link

Takanori Maruo, Naoyuki Ueno, Satoshi Ichikawa, Norikazu Nishiyama, Yasuyuki Egashira and Korekazu Ueyama, "Transmission electron microscopy study on the growth of zinc oxide crystals under hydrothermal conditions," Mater. Lett., 63, 2373-2376 (2009) link

Jin Jin, Norikazu Nishiyama, Yasuyuki Egashira and Korekazu Ueyama: Pore structure and pore size controls of ordered mesoporous carbons prepared from resorcinol/formaldehyde/triblock polymers, Micropor. Mesopor. Mater., 118, 218-223 (2009) link

Yu Horiuchi, Takashi Kamegawa, Kohsuke Mori, Norikazu Nishiyama and Hiromi Yamashita: Preparation of W-Containing Mesoporous Silica Thin Films and Their Surface Hydrophilic Properties, e-J. Surf. Sci. Nanotech., 7, 141-144 (2009) link

Shin-ich Aikawa, Nobuhide Takahashi, Satoko Kawarazaki, Hiroyuki Hamano, Yasuyuki Egashira, Hiroyuki Tanouchi, Toshinori Kojima and Koichi Yamada: Experiment on Sprout Regeneration for Dryland Afforestation, Journal of Ecotechnology Research, 14, 179-182 (2009) link

2008年 ▲topへ

Takanori Maruo, Shunsuke Tanaka, Norikazu Nishiyama, Ken-ichiro Motoda, Katsuya Funayama, Yasuyuki Egashira and Korekazu Ueyama: Low-index mesoporous silica films modified with trimethylethoxysilane, Colloids and Surfaces A, 318, 84-87 (2008) link

Hiromi Yamashita, Yuu Horiuchi, Sadaharu Imaoka, Shinichiro Nishio, Norikazu Nishiyama and Kohsuke Mori: Surface hydrophilic–hydrophobic property on transparent mesoporous silica thin films containing chromium oxide single-site photocatalyst, Catalysis Today, 132, 146–152 (2008) link

Hiromi Yamashita, Shinichiro Nishio, Sadaharu Imaoka, Makoto Shimada, Kohsuke Mori, Tsunehiro Tanaka and Norikazu Nishiyama: Photo-induced Surface Property on Transparent Mesoporous Silica Thin Films Containing Single-site Photocatalyst, Topics in Catalysis, 47, 116-121 (2008) link

Takanori Maruo, Shunsuke Tanaka, Hugh W. Hillhouse, Norikazu Nishiyama, Yasuyuki Egashira and Korekazu Ueyama: Disordered Mesoporous Silica Low-k Thin Films Prepared by Vapor Deposition into a Triblock Copolymer Template Film, Thin Solid Films, 516, 4771-4776 (2008) link

Yu Horiuchi, Kohsuke Mori, Norikazu Nishiyama and Hiromi Yamashita: Preparation of Superhydrophilic Mesoporous Silica Thin Films Containing Single-site Photocatalyst (Ti, V, Cr, Mo, and W oxide moieties), Chem. Lett., 37, 748-749 (2008) link

Dung Van Vu, Manabu Miyamoto, Norikazu Nishiyama, Satoshi Ichikawa, Yasuyuki Egashira and Korekazu Ueyama: Catalytic activities and structures of silicalite-1/HZSM-5 zeolite composites, Micropor. Mesopor. Mater., 115, 106-112 (2008) link

Yong-Rong Dong, Norikazu Nishiyama, Yasuyuki Egashira and Korekazu Ueyama: Basic amino acid-assisted synthesis of resorcinol- formaldehyde polymer and carbon nanospheres, Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., 47, 4712-4718 (2008) link

Takanori Maruo, Kaori Nagata, Norikazu Nishiyama, Yasuyuki Egashira, Korekazu Ueyama, Christopher P. Muzzillo, Michael P. Tate and Hugh W. Hillhouse: Vapor phase synthesis of mesoporous silica thin films with a 3D pore structure, Stud. Surf. Sci. Catal. , 174A, 417- 420 (2008) link

Yu Horiuchi, Kohsuke Mori, Norikazu Nishiyama and Hiromi Yamashita: Photo-Induced surface hydrophilic properties on Ti- and V-containing mesoporous silica thin films, Stud. Surf. Sci. Catal. , 174A, 635- 640 (2008) link

Manabu Miyamoto, Kaori Nagata, Takanori Maruo, Norikazu Nishiyama, Katsunori Yogo, Yasuyuki Egashira and Korekazu Ueyama: Highly permeable mesoporous silica membranes synthesized by vapor infiltration of tetraethoxysilane into non-ionic alkyl poly(oxyethylene) surfactant films, J. Membr. Sci., 325, 698- 703 (2008) link

Takanori Maruo, Kaori Nagata, Norikazu Nishiyama, Yasuyuki Egashira and Korekazu Ueyama: Synthesis of 3D pore mesostructured silica films by vapor infiltration of tetraethoxysilane, J. Colloid Interface Sci., 328 , 120–123 (2008) link

Yuko Nishiyama, Kentaro Ochi, Norikazu Nishiyama, Yasuyuki Egashira and Korekazu Ueyama: Proton-conducting mesoporous silica/phosphate composite films prepared by vapor phase method, Electrochem. Solid-State Lett., 11, B6-B9 (2008) link

西山憲和, 田中俊輔: プロトン伝導性メソポーラスシリカ薄膜の蒸気合成, 触媒 251-256 (触媒学会, 2008) link

江頭 靖幸: 降水の有効利用による乾燥地植林と植林による塩害防止, 大垣 一成, 江頭 靖幸, 渡會 仁, 松村 道雄, 中辻 啓二編著「水学への誘い」230-239 (大阪大学出版会, 2008) link


2007年 ▲topへ

Takeyasu Saito, Keiji Oshima, Yukihiro Shimogaki, Yasuyuki Egashira, Katsuro Sugawara, Katsumi Takahiro, Shinji Nagata, Sadae Yamaguchi and Hiroshi Komiyama: Kinetic modeling of tungsten silicide chemical vapor deposition from WF6 and Si2H6: Determination of the reaction scheme and the gas-phase reaction rates, Chem. Eng. Sci., 62, 6403–6411 (2007) link

Norikazu Nishiyama, Junji Kaihara, Yuko Nishiyama, Yasuyuki Egashira and Korekazu Ueyama: Vapor Phase Synthesis of Mesoporous SiO2-P2O5 Thin Films, Langmuir, 23, 4746-4748(2007) link

Kohsuke Mori, Sadaharu Imaoka, Shinichiro Nishio, Yuko Nishiyama, Norikazu Nishiyama and Hiromi Yamashita: Investigation of local structures and photo-induced surface properties on transparent Me (Ti, Cr)-containing mesoporous silica thin films, Micropor. Mesopor. Mater., 101, 288-295 (2007) link

Yong-Rong Dong, Norikazu Nishiyama, Yasuyuki Egashira and Korekazu Ueyama: H2-selective carbon membranes prepared from furfuryl alcohol by vapor phase synthesis, Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., 46, 4040-4044 (2007) link

Matthias Thommes, Norikazu Nishiyama and Shunsuke Tanaka: Aspects of a Novel Method for the Pore Size Analysis of Thin Silica Films based on Krypton Adsorption at Liquid Argon Temperature (87.3 K), Stud. Surf. Sci. Catal , 165, 551-554 (2007) link

Shunsuke Tanaka, Takanori Maruo, Norikazu Nishiyama, Korekazu Ueyama and Hugh W. Hillhouse, "Vapor Phase Preparations of Mesoporous Silica Thin Films for Ultra-Low-k Dielectrics," Stud. Surf. Sci. Catal., 165, 595-598 (2007) link

Norikazu Nishiyama, Yuko Nishiyama, Kentaro Ochi, Yasuyuki Egashira and Korekazu Ueyama: Vapor Phase Synthesis of Ordered Mesoporous Silica-Phosphate Complex Films and Their Proton Conductivity, Stud. Surf. Sci. Catal., 170, 1912-1917 (2007) link

Norikazu Nishiyama, Masahiro Yamaguchi, Toru Katayama, Yuichiro Hirota, Manabu Miyamoto, Yasuyuki Egashira, Korekazu Ueyama, Koji Nakanishi, Toshiaki Ohta, Atsushi Mizusawa and Tsuneyuki Satoh: Hydrogen-permeable membranes composed of zeolite nano-blocks, J. Membr. Sci., 306, 349–354 (2007) link

Hiroki Fukuhara, Norikazu Nishiyama, Yasuyuki Egashira and Korekazu Ueyama: Study on adsorption and desorption mechanisms at the interface on the basis of experimental data of bubble coalescence time, J. Chem. Eng. Japan, 40, 173-177 (2007) link

西山憲和: 表面修飾法 (第1章第4節), 膜学実験法-人工膜編- (日本膜学会, 2007) link


2006年 ▲topへ

Korekazu Ueyama and Masashi Saito: Overview of multiphase flow phenomena in moving time-averaged space, Chem. Eng. Technol., 29, 1102-1106 (2006) link

濱野裕之, 小島紀徳, 河原崎里子, 高橋伸英, 田原聖隆, 田内裕之, 江頭靖幸, 斎藤昌宏, 安部征雄, 山田興一: 乾燥地における焼成ボーキサイトの土壌改良材としての利用, 沙漠研究, 16, 31-38 (2006) link

Yasuyuki Egashira, Miyuki Shibata, Korekazu Ueyama, Hajime Utsugi, Nobuhide Takahashi, Satoko Kawarasaki, Toshinori Kojima and Koichi Yamada: Development of tree growth simulator based on a process model of photosynthesis for Eucalyptus camaldulensis in arid land, Journal of Arid Land Studies, 15, 263-266 (2006) link

Masakazu Sugiyama, Tomohisa Iino, Tohru Nakajima, Takeshi Tanaka, Yasuyuki Egashira, Kohichi Yamashita, Hiroshi Komiyama and Yukihiro Shimogaki: Optimization of Al-CVD process based on elementary reaction simulation and experimental verification: From the growth rate to the surface morphology, Thin Solid Films, 498, 30-35 (2006) link

Takeyasu Saito, Yukihiro Shimogaki, Yasuyuki Egashira, Katsuro Sugawara, Katsumi Takahiro, Shinji Nagata, Sadae Yamaguchi and Hiroshi Komiyama: Kinetic study of chemical vapor deposition of WSix films from WF6 and SiH2Cl2: Determination of molecular size and reactivity of gas species, Thin Solid Films, 513, 36-42 (2006) link

Taketasu Saito, Yukihiro Shimogaki, Yasuyuki Egashira, Katsuro Sugawara, Katsumi Takahiro, Shinji Nagata, Sadae Yamaguchi and Hiroshi Komiyama: Kinetics of chemical vapor deposition of WSix films from WF6 and SiH2Cl2: Effect of added H2, SiH4, and Si2H6, Microelectronic Engineering, 83, 1994-2000 (2006) link

Norikazu Nishiyama, Yong-Rong Dong, Tao Zheng, Yasuyuki Egashira and Korekazu Ueyama: Tertiary amine-mediated synthesis of microporous carbon membranes, J. Membr. Sci., 280, 603-609 (2006) link

Jingjiang He; Bolian Xu; Yoshiharu Yoneyama; Zhenlin Liu, Norikazu Nishiyama and Noritatsu Tsubaki, "Multiple-Functional Capsule Catalysts: A Tailor-Made Confined Reaction Environment for the Direct Synthesis of Middle Isoparaffins from Syngas," Chem. Eur. J., 12, 8296-8304 (2006) link

Tao Zheng, Yong-Rong Dong, Norikazu Nishiyama, Yasuyuki Egashira and Korekazu Ueyama: Selective CO oxidation over carbon-coated Pt/SiO2-TiO2 particles, Appl. Catal. A, 308, 210-215 (2006) link

Norikazu Nishiyama, Manabu Miyamoto, Takashi Kamei, Yasuyuki Egashira and Korekazu Ueyama: Selective Formation of p-xylene over single crystal-like zeolite composite, Stud. Surf. Sci. Catal., 162, 275-281 (2006) link

Tao Zheng, Norikazu Nishiyama, Yasuyuki Egashira and Korekazu Ueyama: Surfactant-mediated synthesis of Pt nanoparticles/nanoporous carbons composite, Stud. Surf. Sci. Catal., 162, 561-567 (2006) link

Hiroyuki K.M. Tanaka, Toshikazu Kurihara, Norikazu Nishiyama, Takanori Maruo and Allen P. Mills, Jr.: Evaluation of self-organized diffusion barrier continuity on a nano-architectural silica thin film with two-dimensionally connected cage-like pores using positronium time of flight spectroscopy, Micropor. Mesopor. Mater., 95, 164-171 (2006) link

Dung Van Vu, Manabu Miyamoto, Norikazu Nishiyama, Yasuyuki Egashira and Korekazu Ueyama: Selective formation of para-Xylene over H-ZSM-5 coated with polycrystalline silicalite crystals, J. Catal., 243, 389-394 (2006) link

Yuko Nishiyama, Shunsuke Tanaka, Hugh W. Hillhouse, Norikazu Nishiyama, Yasuyuki Egashira and Korekazu Ueyama: Synthesis of Ordered Mesoporous Zirconium Phosphate Films by Spin Coating and Vapor Treatments, Langmuir, 22, 9469-9472 (2006) link

Shunsuke Tanaka, Mike P. Tate, Norikazu Nishiyama, Korekazu Ueyama and Hugh W. Hillhouse: Structure of Mesoporous Silica Thin Films Prepared by Contacting PEO106-PPO70-PEO106 Films with Vaporized TEOS, Chem. Mater., 18, 5461-5466 (2006) link

Shunsuke Tanaka, Hiromi Tada, Takanori Maruo, Norikazu Nishiyama, Yasuyuki Egashira, and Korekazu. Ueyama: Vapor infiltration techniques for spin-on mesoporous silica films, Thin Solid Film, 495, 186-190 (2006) link

Hiromi Yamashita, Shinichiro Nishio, Iwao Katayama, Norikazu Nishiyama and Hidetoshi Fujii: Photo-induced super-hydrophilic property and photocatalysis on transparent Ti-containing mesoporous silica thin films, Catalysis Today, 111, 254-258 (2006) link

Korekazu Ueyama: Force balance controlling radial gas holdup distribution for the recirculating turbulent flow in bubble columns, J. Chem. Eng. Japan, 39, 1-6 (2006) link

西山憲和: 周期的ナノ構造ポーラスシリカ薄膜の合成手法の開発, 膜(MEMBRANE), 31, 207-214(日本膜学会, 2006) link

西山憲和, 田中俊輔, 鄭 涛, 董 雍容, 江頭靖幸, 上山惟一: 有機鋳型を用いたポーラスカーボン材料の合成法の開発, ケミカルエンジニアリング, 51, 8, 602-607 (化学工学社, 2006) link


2005年 ▲topへ

山田 興一, 小島 紀徳, 安部 征雄, 江頭 靖幸, 田内 裕之, 高橋 伸英, 濱野 裕之, 田原 聖隆: 乾燥地植林による炭素固定システム構築―土壌構造改良による炭素固定促進―, エネルギー・資源, 26, 435-441 (2005) link

Shunsuke Tanaka, Norikazu Nishiyama, Yasuyuki Egashira and Korekazu Ueyama: Synthesis of ordered mesoporous carbons with channel structure from an organic-organic nanocomposite, Chem. Commun., 2125-2127 (2005) link

Tao Zheng, Norikazu Nishiyama, Yasuyuki Egashira and Korekazu Ueyama: Ionic surfactant-mediated synthesis of Pt nanoparticles/nanoporous carbons composites, Colloids and Surfaces A, 262, 52-56 (2005) link

Shunsuke Tanaka, Takanori Maruo, Norikazu Nishiyama, Yasuyuki Egashira and Korekazu Ueyama: Formation of Ordered Mesostructured Silica by vapor infiltration of tetraethoxysilane into hexagonally-arranged surfactant/catalyst nanocomposites, Chem. Lett., 34, 1148-1149 (2005) link

Manabu Miyamoto, Takashi Kamei, Norikazu Nishiyama, Yasuyuki Egashira and Korekazu Ueyama: Single crystals of ZSM-5/silicalite composites, Adv. Mater., 17, 1985-1988 (2005) link

Norikazu Nishiyama, Keita Ichioka, Manabu Miyamoto, Yasuyuki Egashira, Korekazu Ueyama, Leszek Gora, Weidong Zhu, Freek Kapteijn and Jacob A. Moulijn: Silicalite-1 coating on Pt/TiO2 particles by a two-step hydrothermal synthesis, Micropor. Mesopor. Mater., 83, 244-250 (2005) link

Norikazu Nishiyama, Masahiro Yamaguchi, Yuko Nishiyama, Yasuyuki Egashira, and Korekazu Ueyama: Enhancement of structural stability of mesoporous silica via infiltration of SnCl4 vapor, J. Non-Crys. Solids, 351, 3218-3224 (2005) link

David. B. Cassidy, Shi Hu M. Deng, Rod G. Greaves, Takanori Maruo, Norikazu Nishiyama, Jason B. Snyder, Hiroyuki K. M. Tanaka and Allen P. Mills, Jr.: Experimentals with a high-density positronium gas, Phys. Rev. Lett., 95, 195006 (2005) link

Shinichiro Nishio, Takashi. Tanaka, Hiromi Tada, Norikazu Nishiyama, Hidetoshi Fujii, Tetsutaro Ohmichi, Iwao Katayama and Hiromi Yamashita: Photo-induced super-hydrophilic property and photocatalysis on Ti-containing mesoporous silica thin films, Stud. Surf. Sci. Catal., 158, 1605-1612 (2005) link

Norikazu Nishiyama, Tao Zheng, Yusuke Yamane, Yasuyuki Egashira and Korekazu Ueyama: Microporous carbons prepared from cationic surfactant-resorcinol/ formaldehyde composites”, Carbon, 43, 269-274 (2005) link

Jingjiang He, Bolian Xu, Yoshiharu Yoneyama, Norikazu Nishiyama and Noritatsu Tsubaki: Designing a New Kind of Capsule Catalyst and Its Application for Direct Synthesis of Middle Isoparaffins from Synthesis Gas, Chem. Lett., 34, 148-149 (2005) link

Jingjiang He, Yoshiharu Yoneyama, Bolian Xu, Norikazu Nishiyama and Noritatsu Tsubaki: Designing Capsule Catalyst and Its Application for Direct Synthesis of Middle Isoparaffins, Langmuir, 21, 1699-1702 (2005) link


2004年 ▲topへ

Shunsuke Tanaka, Norikazu Nishiyama, Yoshiaki Oku, Yasuyuki Egashira and Korekazu Ueyama: Nano-Architectural Silica Thin Films with Two-Dimensionally Connected Cage-Like Pores Synthesized from Vapor Phase, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 126, 4854-4858 (2004) link

Shunsuke Tanaka, Junji Kaihara, Norikazu Nishiyama, Yoshiaki Oku, Yasuyuki Egashira and Korekazu Ueyama: Incorporation of organic groups within the channel wall of spin-on mesostructured silica films by a vapor infiltration technique, Langmuir, 20, 3780-3784 (2004) link

Ryosuke Nakao, Yoshihiro Kubota, Naonobu katada, Norikazu Nishiyama, Kimio Kunimori and Keiichi Tomishige: Performance and characterization of BEA catalysis for catalytic cracking, Appl. Catal. A, 273, 63-73 (2004) link

Wataru Momose, Tao Zheng, Norikazu Nishiyama, Yasuyuki Egashira and Korekazu Ueyama: Synthesis of Partially Carbonized Polyimide Membranes with High Resistance to Moisture, J. Chem. Eng. Japan, 37, 1092-1098 (2004) link

Shunsuke Tanaka, Norikazu Nishiyama, Yashushi Hayashi, Yasuyuki Egashira, Korekazu Ueyama: Ultrathin Silica Films with Nanoporous Monolayer”, Chem. Lett., 33, 1408-1409 (2004) link

Norikazu Nishiyama, Keita Ichioka, Dong Huy Park, Yasuyuki Egashira, Korekazu Ueyama, Leszek Gora, Weidong Zhu, Freek Kapteijn, and Jacob A. Moulijn: Reactant Selective Hydrogenation over Composite Silicalite-1-coated Pt/TiO2 Particles, Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., 43, 1211-1215 (2004) link


2003年 ▲topへ

Koichi Yamada, Toshinori Kojima, Yukuo Abe, Masahiro Saito, Yasuyuki Egashira, Nobuhide Takahashi, Kiyotaka Tahara and Jhon Law: Restructuring and Afforestation of Hardpan Area to Sequester Carbon, J. Chem. Eng. Japan, 36, 328-332 (2003) link

Yukuo Abe, Masahiko Taniguchi, Hideki Suganuma, Masahiro Saito, Toshinori Kojima, Yasuyuki Egashira, Yukiyo Yamamoto and Koichi Yamada: Comparative Analysis between Biomass and Topographic Features in an Arid Land, Western Australia, J. Chem. Eng. Japan, 36, 376-382 (2003) link

Yasuyuki Egashira, Daisuke Tomii, Korekazu Ueyama, Nobuhide Takahashi, Toshinori Kojima, Yukuo Abe, Masahiro Saito and Koichi Yamada: Development of Integrated Simulator of Water Transport and Plant Growth as an Evaluation Tool of Arid Land Afforestation for CO2 Fixation, J. Chem. Eng. Japan, 36, 383-390 (2003) link

Nobuhide Takahashi, Kiyotaka Tahara, Hajime Utsugi, Toshinori Kojima, Yasuyuki Egashira, Yukuo Abe, Masahiro Saito and Koichi Yamada: Water Use Efficiency of Eucalyptus Camaldulensis Growing in Arid Regions in Western Australia, J. Chem. Eng. Japan, 36, 391-400 (2003) link

Norikazu Nishiyama, Dong-Huy Park, Yasuyuki Egashira and Korekazu Ueyama: Pore Size Distributions of Silylated Mesoporous Silica MCM-48 Membranes, Sep. Purif. Technol., 32, 127-132 (2003) link

Dong Huy Park, Hens Saputra, Norikazu Nishiyama, Yasuyuki Egashira and Korekazu Ueyama: Synthesis of Zirconium-Containing Mesoporous Silica Zr-MCM-48 Membranes with High Alkaline Resistance for Nanofiltration, Stud. Surf. Sci. Catal., 146, 327-333 (2003) link

Norikazu Nishiyama, Wataru Momose, Yasuyuki Egashira and K. Ueyama: Partially Carbonized Polyimide Membranes with High Permeability for Air Separation, J. Chem. Eng. Japan, 36, 603-608 (2003) link

Norikazu Nishiyama, Dong-Huy Park, Hens Saputra, Yasuyuki Egashira and Korekazu Ueyama: Zirconium-Containing Mesoporous Silica Zr-MCM-48 for Alkali Resistant Filtration Membranes, J. Membr. Sci., 218, 165-171 (2003) link

Ryosuke Nakao, Yoshihiro Kubota, Naonobu katada, Norikazu Nishiyama, Kimio Kunimori and Keiichi Tomishige: Highly Active BEA Catalyst for Catalytic Cracking of n-Heptane, Catalysis Letters, 89, 153-157 (2003) link

Shunsuke Tanaka, N. Nishiyama, Y. Egashira, Y. Oku and K. Ueyama: Improved Thermal Stability of Mesoporous Molecular Sieves by Vapor Infiltration Treatment, Micropor. Mesopor. Mater., 63, 105-112 (2003) link

Shunsuke Tanaka, Norikazu Nishiyama, Yoshiyuki Egashira, Yoshiaki Oku and Korekazu Ueyama: Vapor Treatment of Spin-on Mesostructured Films for the Enhancement of Structural Stability, Mat. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc., 755, 35-40. (2003) link

Shunsuke Tanaka, Norikazu Nishiyama, Yoshiyuki Egashira, Yoshiaki Oku and Korekazu Ueyama: Ordered Mesoporous Silica Films Synthesized from Vapor Phase, Mat. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc., 755, 41-46 (2003) link

Dong-Huy Park, Norikazu Nishiyama, Yasuyuki Egashira, Korekazu Ueyama: Separation of Organic/water Mixtures with Silylated MCM-48 Silica Membranes, Micropor. Mesopor. Mater., 66, 69-76 (2003) link

Norikazu Nishiyama, Shunsuke Tanaka, Yoshiyuki Egashira, Yoshiaki Oku and Korekazu Ueyama: Vapor Phase Synthesis of Mesoporous Silica Thin Films, Chem. Mater., 15, 1006-1011 (2003) link

西山憲和, 田中俊輔, 江頭靖幸, 奥 良彰, 上山惟一: 半導体層間絶縁膜としての周期構造ポーラスシリカ膜の合成, 膜(MEMBRANE), 28, 177-184 (日本膜学会, 2003) link


2002年 ▲topへ

Norikazu Nishiyama, Shunsuke Tanaka, Yoshiyuki Egashira, Yoshiaki Oku and Korekazu Ueyama: Enhancement of Structural Stability of Mesoporous Silica Thin Films Prepared by Spin Coating, Chem. Mater., 14, 4229-4234 (2002) link

Norikazu Nishiyama, Shunsuke Tanaka, Yoshiyuki Egashira, Yoshiaki Oku, Akira Kamisawa and Korekazu Ueyama: Synthesis of Ordered Nanoporous Silica Film with High Structural Stability, Mat. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc., 716, 247-252 (2002) link

 Yoshiaki Oku, Norikazu Nishiyama, Shunsuke Tanaka, Korekazu Ueyama, Nobuhiro Hata and Takamaro Kikkawa: Novel Periodic Nanoporous Silicate Glass with High Structural Stability as Low-k Thin Film, Mat. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc., 716, 587-592 (2002) link


2001年 ▲topへ

Keigo Miura, Atsushi. Nagao and Korekazu Ueyama: Heat emission from a burning cigarette, Beitr. Tabakforsch., 19, 245-250 (2001) link

Keigo Miura, Satoshi Kitao, Yasuyuki Egashira, Norikazu Nishiyama and Korekazu Ueyama: Propagation of Cigarette Static Burn, Beitr. Tabakforsch. Int., 19, 277-287 (2001) link

Dong-Huy Park, Mami Matsuda, Norikazu Nishiyama, Yasuyuki Egashira and Korekazu Ueyama: Zirconium-containing mesoporous silica with high alkaline resistance, J. Chem. Eng. Japan, 34(10), 1321-1324 (2001) link

Dong-Huy Park, Norikazu Nishiyama, Yasuyuki Egashira and Korekazu Ueyama: Enhancement of hydrothermal stability and hydrophobicity of a silica MCM-48 membrane by silylation, Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., 40, 6105-6110 (2001) link

Norikazu Nishiyama, Manabu Miyamoto, Yasuyuki Egashira and Korekazu Ueyama: Zeolite membrane on catalyst particles for selective formation of p-xylene in disproportionation of toluene, Chem. Commun., 1746-4747 (2001) link

Guillaume Clet, Leszek Gora, Norikazu Nishiyama, Jacobus C. Jansen, Herman van Bekkum and Thomas Mashmeyer: An Alternative Synthesis Method for Zeolite Y Membranes, Chem. Commun., 41-42 (2001) link

Mikihiro Nomura, Yasuyuki Mineta, Naoko Yamaguchi, Eiichi Kikuchi, Koichi Fukunaga, Norikazu Nishiyama, Korekazu Ueyama and Masahiko Matsukata: Novel Organic-Vycor Glass Composite Membrane Having Si-C Bonds, J. Chem. Eng. Japan, 34, 731-736 (2001) link

Norikazu Nishiyama, Dong-Huy Park, Akihiro Koide, Yasuyuki Egashira and Korekazu Ueyama: A mesoporous silica membrane: preparation and characterization, Journal of Membrane Science, 182, 235-244 (2001) link

Norikazu Nishiyama, Leszek Gora, V. Teplyakov, Freek Kapteijn and Jacob A. Moulijn: Evaluation of reproducible high flux silicalite-1 membranes: Gas permeation and separation characterization, Separation and Purification Technology, 22-23, 295-307 (2001) link

Leszek Gora, Norikazu Nishiyama, Jacobus C. Jansen, Freek Kapteijn, V. Teplyakov and Thomas Maschmeyer: Highly reproducible high-flux silicalite-1 membranes: Optimization of silicalite-1 membrane preparation, Separation and Purification Technology, 22-23, 223-229 (2001) link


2000年 ▲topへ

大木 亨二、江頭 靖幸、小宮山 宏:概要設計を目的とした基板加熱型CVD反応器のモデル化,化学工学論文集,第26巻,第6号 ,798-803 (2000) link

濱野 浩之、江頭 靖幸、小島 紀徳:豪州乾燥地の土壌中浸潤シミュレーション,化学工学論文集,第26巻,第4号 ,581-587 (2000) link

Hiroyuki Hamano, Yasuyuki Egashira and Toshinori Kojima: Numerical Prediction of Water Movement in Western Australian Soil for Large Scale Afforestation, Journal of Arid Land Studies, 10S, 25-28 (2000) link

Takaaki Matsufuji, Shuichi Nakagawa, Norikazu Nishiyama, Masahiko Matsukata and Korekazu Ueyama: Synthesis and permeation studies of ferrierite/alumina composite membranes, Microporous and Mesoporous Materials, 38, 43-50 (2000) link

Takaaki Matsufuji, Norikazu Nishiyama, Masahiko Matsukata and Korekazu Ueyama: Separation of butane and xylene isomers with MFI-type zeolitic membrane synthesized by a vapor-phase transport method, Journal of Membrane Science, 178, 25-34 (2000) link

Takaaki Matsufuji, Kensuke Watanabe, Norikazu Nishiyama, Masahiko Matsukata and Korekazu Ueyama: Permeation of hexane isomers through an MFI membrane, Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., 39, 2434-2438 (2000) link

Nobuhiko Mori, Yasuyuki Egashira and Korekazu Ueyama: Kinetic Study of CVD Reaction by Area-Controlled CVD, J. Chem. Eng. Japan, 33, 32-40 (2000) link

Takaaki Matsufuji, Norikazu Nishiyama, Korekazu Ueyama and Masahiko Matsukata: Permeation Characteristics of Butane Isomers through MFI-type Zeolitic Membranes, Catalysis Today, 56, 265-273 (2000) link