伴講師とペンシルベニア州立大学Keating教授、香港大学Shum教授とミシガン大学の高山教授が企画したシンポジウム“Aqueous Cytomimetic Materials”が2017 MRS Spring Meeting に採択されました


企画したシンポジウム“Aqueous Cytomimetic Materials”が2017 MRS Spring Meeting に採択されました


A wide variety of living materials consist mainly of aqueous solutions containing different solutes and macromolecules. The assembly of building blocks in aqueous environments results in small units, such as membraneless organelles, as well as large biological tissues and organs. Nature has demonstrated the power to synthesize, fabricate and construct complicated functional materials in mild aqueous and isothermal conditions, in a way that materials scientists and engineers have yet to achieve. For instance, membraneless organelles can be formed in aqueous solutions. Complicated membranes can be assembled from lipids and proteins, achieving excellent control over the transport of molecules into and out of biological cells A more comprehensive understanding of the science and mechanisms behind these processes will inspire cytomimetic approaches to synthesize new materials, creating opportunities to engineer more
complex hierarchical structures.