


A 超臨界流体と高圧相挙動

K. Ohgaki and T. Katayama
Isothermal Vapor-Liquid Equilibria for Systems Ethyl Ether-Carbon Dioxide and Methyl Acetate-Carbon Dioxide at High Pressures, J. Chem. Eng. Data, 20(3), 264-267 (1975).

T. Katayama, K. Ohgaki, G. Maekawa, M. Goto and T. Nagano
Isothermal Vapor-Liquid Equilibria of Acetone-Carbon Dioxide and Methanol-Carbon Dioxideat High Pressures, J. Chem. Eng. Japan, 8(2), 89-92 (1975).

T. Katayama and K. Ohgaki
Some Considerations on Subcritical Vaporization Phenomena, J. Chem. Eng. Japan, 8(6), 495-597 (1975).

K. Ohgaki and T. Katayama
Isothermal Vapor-Liquid Equilibrium Data for Binary Systems Containing Carbon Dioxide at High Pressures, J. Chem. Eng. Data, 21(1), 53-55 (1976).

K. Ohgaki, F. Sano and T. Katayama
Isothermal Vapor-Liquid Equilibrium Data for Binary Systems Containing Ethane at High Pressures, J. Chem. Eng. Data, 21(1), 55-58 (1976).

K. Ohgaki and T. Katayama
Isothermal Vapor-Liquid Equilibrium Data for the Ethane-Carbon Dioxide System at High Pressures, Fluid Phase Equilibria, 1, 27-32 (1977).

K. Ohgaki, T. Nakatani, T. Saito and T. Katayama
Isothermal Vapor-Liquid Equilibria of Propylene Oxide-Ethylene and Ethyl Ether-Ethylene Systems at High Pressures, J. Chem. Eng. Japan, 15(2), 91-97 (1982).

K. Ohgaki, S. Nakai, S. Nitta and T. Katayama
Isothermal Vapor-Liquid Equilibria for the Binary Systems Propylene-Carbon Dioxide, Propylene -Ethylene and Propylene-Ethane at High Pressure, Fluid Phase Equilibria, 8, 113-122 (1982).

K. Ohgaki, H. Nishii and T. Katayama
A Method for Gas-Solubility Measurement, J. Chem. Eng. Japan, 16(1), 72-73 (1983).

K. Ohgaki, H. Nishii, T. Saito and T. Katayama
High-Pressure Phase Equilibria for the Methanol-Ethylene System at 25 C and 40 C, J. Chem. Eng. Japan, 16(4), 263-267 (1983).

大垣一成, 塚原逸朗, 片山 俊
オクタデカン−CO2 およびオクタデカン−エタン系の25 C、40 Cにおける高圧相平衡, 化学工学論文集, 10(3), 372-376 (1984).

千場克己, 塚原逸朗, 大垣一成, 片山 俊
高圧二酸化炭素へのα トコフェロール、トリパルミチンの溶解度測定, 化学工学シンポジュウムシリーズ, 11, 71-75 (1986).

P.L. Cheong, D. Zhang, K. Ohgaki and B.C.-Y. Lu
High Pressure Phase Equilibria for Binary Systems Involving a Solid Phase, Fluid Phase Equilibria, 29, 555-562 (1986).

大垣一成, 塚原逸朗, 千馬克己, 片山 俊
超臨界流体を利用した抽出分離の基礎研究, 化学工学論文集, 13(3), 298-303 (1987). (transd. Int. Chem. Eng.)

K. Ohgaki, H. Takata, T. Washida and T. Katayama
Phase Equilibria for Four Binary Systems Containing Propylene, Fluid Phase Equilibria, 43, 105-113 (1988).

大垣一成, 西川 亮, 古市 正, 片山 俊
高密度CO2 によるα トコフェロールの抽出に対するエタノールおよびH2Oのエントレーナ効果, 化学工学論文集, 14(3),342-346 (1988).

S. Sako, K. Ohgaki and T. Katayama
Solubilities of Naphthalene and Indole in Supercritical Fluids, J. Supercritical Fluids, 1(1), 1-6 (1988).

S. Sako, K. Shibata, K. Ohgaki and T. Katayama
Solubilities of Indole, Skatole and 5-Methoxyindole in Supercritical Fluids, J. Supercritical Fluids, 2(1), 3-8 (1989).

T. Nakatani, K. Ohgaki and T. Katayama
Solubilities of Indole Derivatives in Supercritical Fluids, J. Supercritical Fluids, 2(1), 9-14 (1989).

S. Yamamoto, K. Ohgaki and T. Katayama
Phase Behavior of Binary Mixtures of Indole or Quinoxaline with CO2, C2H4, C2H6, and CHF3 in the Critical Region, J. Supercritical Fluids, 2(2), 63-72 (1989).

H. Yamamoto, K. Ohgaki and T. Katayama
Isothermal Vapor-Liquid Equilibria of Benzene-Propylene System at 25 C, Fluid Phase Equilibria, 46, 53-58 (1989).

S. Yamamoto, K. Ohgaki and T. Katayama
High-Pressure Phase Behavior of Eight Binary Mixtures of Pyrimidine or Pyrazine with CO2, C2H4, C2H6, or CHF3, J. Chem. Eng. Data, 35(3), 310-314 (1990).

K. Ohgaki, M. Kageyama and T. Katayama
p-v-x,y Relations for Azeotropic Mixture of 1,1-Difluoroethane and Propylene, J. Chem. Eng. Japan, 23(6), 763-764 (1990).

大垣一成, 岩出慎二
二成分混合系の相挙動分類, 熱物性, 5(3), 210-219 (1991).

大垣一成, 森下 誠, 山本誠一, 片山 俊
ピラゾールを含むCO2とC2H6各臨界流体の高圧相挙動, 化学工学論文集, 17(1), 201-203 (1991).

T. Nakatani, T. Tohdo, K. Ohgaki and T. Katayama
Solubilities of Pyrimidine and Pyrazine Derivatives in Supercritical Fluids, J. Chem. Eng. Data, 36(3), 314-316 (1991).

T. Nakatani, K. Ohgaki and T. Katayama
Substituent Effect on Solubilities of Solids in Supercritical Fluids, Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., 30(6), 1362-1366 (1991).

S. Yamamoto, K. Ohgaki and T. Katayama
High-Pressure Phase Behavior for Binary Mixtures of Indole, Pyrazine, Pyrimidine, and Quinoxaline with CO2, C2H4, C2H6, and CHF3 , Proc. Int'l Sov. Extr., Conf., Elsevier, p.1689-1694 (1991).

S. Iwade, Y. Katsumura and K. Ohgaki
High-Pressure Phase Behavior for Binary Systems of Normal Alkanes with Carbon Dioxide or Ethane, J. Chem. Eng. Japan, 26(1), 74-79 (1993).

Kalina Cycleにおける熱・エネルギー変換媒体の研究 −Perfluorobenzeneを含む2成分混合系の高温高圧気液平衡関係, 化学工学論文集, 26(1), 112-115 (2000).

佐藤 博, 末廣善治, 黒田真平, 大垣一成 Kalina Cycleにおける熱・エネルギー変換媒体の研究− acetone + CO2 系の高温高圧気液平衡関係 −, 化学工学論文集, 29(1), 137-139 (2003).


  B 高圧流体物性と分子間力

T. Katayama, K. Ohgaki and H. Ohmori
Measurement of Interaction Second Virial Coefficient with High Accuracy, J. Chem. Eng. Japan, 13(4), 257-262 (1980).

K. Ohgaki, T. Mizuhaya and T. Katayama
The Interaction Second Virial Coefficients for Seven Binary Systems Containing Carbon Dioxide, Methane, Ethylene, Ethane and Propylene at 25 C, J. Chem. Eng. Japan, 14(1), 71-72 (1981).

K. Ohgaki, Y. Nakamura, H. Ariyasu and T. Katayama
Interaction Second Virial Coefficients for Six Binary Systems Containing Carbon Dioxide, Methane, Ethylene and Propylene at 125 C, J. Chem. Eng. Japan, 15(2), 85-90 (1982).

K. Ohgaki and T. Katayama
A Simple Potential Model for Linear Symmetric Molecules, J. Chem. Eng. Japan, 17(1), 65-70 (1984).

K. Ohgaki, T. Hanafusa, Y. Kano and T. Katayama
Second Virial Coefficient of Gaseous Methanol at 150 C, J. Chem. Eng. Japan, 17(3), 329-331 (1984).

K. Ohgaki, Y. Kano and T. Katayama
Second Virial Coefficient of Ethane at 423.15 K and Prediction of Second Virial Coefficients for Normal Alkanes, J. Chem. Eng. Japan, 17(5), 543-544 (1984).

K. Ohgaki, N. Sakai, Y. Kano and T. Katayama
Expeimental Study of Second Virial Coefficients for Carbon Dioxide, Methane, Ethylene, and Propylene at 423.15 K and 473.15 K, J. Chem. Eng. Japan, 17(5), 545-547 (1984).

K. Ohgaki, S. Umezono and T. Katayama
Pressure-Density-Temperature Relations of CHF3, N2O, and C3H6 in the Critical Region, J. Supercritical Fluids, 3(3), 78-84 (1990).


  C ガスハイドレートの利用

大垣一成, 井上義朗
Gas-Hydrateを利用した気体の海底貯蔵法, 化学工学論文集, 17(5), 1053-1055 (1991). (transd.Int.Chem.Eng.)

大垣一成, 赤野 徹
CO2の日本海溝貯蔵とGAS HYDRATEの利用, エネルギー・資源, 13(4), 375-383 (1992).

K. Ohgaki, Y. Makihara and K. Takano
Formation of CO2 Hydrate in Pure and Sea Waters, J. Chem. Eng. Japan, 26(5), 558-564 (1993).

高野清光, 寒川博之, 大垣一成
深海底のCH4-hydrate採掘とCO2貯蔵に関する熱力学的評価,化学工学会CO2と地球環境問題研究会編, 化学工学シンポジュウムシリーズ, 38, 168-172 (1993).

大垣一成, 高野清光, 守時正人
南海トラフのCH4 hydrateの利用とCO2の貯蔵, 化学工学論文集, 20(1), 121-123 (1994).

大垣一成, 守時正人
CO2Hydrateの生成・分解時の顕微鏡観察, 化学工学論文集, 20(2), 317-319 (1994).

大垣一成, 濱中貴大
CO2 Hydrate-液体CO2-H2O混合系の高圧相挙動, 化学工学論文集, 21(4), 800-803 (1995).

大垣一成, 松原拓也, 中野真也
天然ガス生産・二酸化炭素海底隔離の基礎研究 -気体包接化合物の構造・物性の解明-, 月刊地球, 18(10), 685-689 (1996).

K. Ohgaki, K. Takano, H. Sangawa, T. Matsubara and S. Nakano
Methane Exploitation by Carbon Dioxide from Gas Hydrates -Phase Equilibria for CO2-CH4 Mixed Hydrate System-, J. Chem. Eng. Japan, 29(3), 478-483 (1996).

Y. Inoue, K. Ohgaki, Y. Hirata and E. Kunugita
Numerical Study on Effects of Hydrate Formation on CO2 Storage in the Deep Sea, J. Chem. Eng. Japan, 29(4), 648-655 (1996).

K. Ohgaki, S. Nakano, T. Matsubara and S. Yamanaka
Decomposition of CO2, CH4, and CO2-CH4 Mixed Gas Hydrates, J. Chem. Eng. Japan, 30(2), 310-314 (1997).

K. Ohgaki and S. Nakano
Methane Exploitation by Carbon Dioxide from Gas Hydrates, Recent Res. Devel. in Chem. Eng., 1, 1-15 (1997).

S. Nakano, K. Yamamoto and K. Ohgaki
Natural-Gas Exploitation by Carbon Dioxide from Gas Hydrate Fields -High Pressure Phase Equilibrium for Ethane Hydrate System-, J. Power & Energy, 212(A), 159-163 (1998).

K. Ohgaki, T. Sugahara and S. Nakano
Hysteresis in the Dissociation and Reformation of Methane Hydrate Crystal, J. Chem. Eng. Japan, 32(2), 235-236 (1999).

原納・廣川の溶液構造とガスハイドレート, 化学工学シンポジュウムシリーズ, 71, 9-12 (2000).

H. Sato, T. Tsuji, T. Nakamura, K. Uesugi, T. Kinoshita, M. Takahashi, H. Mimachi, T. Iwasaki and K. Ohgaki
Preservation of Methane Hydrates Prepared from Dilute Electrolyte Solutions, Int'l. J. Chem. Eng., 2009, 843274-1-5 (2009).

K. Takeya, C. Zhang, I. Kawayama, H. Murakami, P. U. Jepsen, J. Chen, P. Wu, K. Ohgaki and M. Tonouchi
Terahertz Time Domain Spectroscopy for Structure-II Gas Hydrates, Appl. Phys. Express, 2(12), 122303, 1-3 (2009).

M. Oshima, W. Shimada, S. Hashimoto, A. Tani, K. Ohgaki
Memory Effect on Semi-clathrate Hydrate Formation −A Case Study of Tetragonal Tetra-n-butyl Ammonium Bromide Hydrate−, Chem. Eng. Sci., 65(20), 5442-5446 (2010).

M. Oshima, S. Hashimoto, W. Shimada, A. Tani, T. Sugahara, K. Ohgaki
In-situ Raman Observation on Aqueous solution around Tetra-n-Butyl Ammonium Bromide Semi-Clathrate Hydrate, Physics and Chemistry of Ice, 2010, 141-146 (2011).

K. Takeya, I. Kawayama, H. Murakami, K. Ohgaki, M. Tonouchi
Terahertz Spectroscopy of Gas Hydrates, Physics and Chemistry of Ice, 2010, 167-171 (2011).

S. Hashimoto, K. Kawamura, H. Ito, K. Ohgaki, Y. Inoue
Rheological Characteristics of Slurry Containing Tetra-n-Butyl Ammonium Bromide Semi-Clathrate Hydrate Crystal and Solution, Physics and Chemistry of Ice, 2010, 203-208 (2011).

H. Mimachi, M. Takahashi, T. Iwasaki, T. Kinoshita, T. Sugahara, H. Sato, K. Ohgaki
Raman Spectroscopic Analysis of Mixed Gas Hydrate Crystals, Physics and Chemistry of Ice, 2010, 243-247 (2011).

S. Hashimoto, H. Ito, K. Ohgaki, Y. Inoue
Effect of Impeller Agitation on Preparation of Tetra-n-Butyl Ammonium Bromide Semiclathrate Hydrate Slurries, Int'l J. Chem. Eng., 2012, 856120-1-8 (2012).

T. Kitajima, N. Ohtsubo, S. Hashimoto, T. Makino, D. Kodama, K. Ohgaki
Study on Prompt Methane Hydrate Formation Derived by Addition of Ionic Liquid, Am. Chem. Sci. J., 2, 100-110 (2012).

H. Sato, H. Sakamoto, S. Ogino, H. Mimachi, T. Kinoshita, T. Iwasaki, K. Sano, K Ohgaki
Self-preservation of Methane Hydrate Revealed Immediately below the Eutectic Temperature of the Mother Electrolyte Solution, Chem. Eng. Sci., 91, 86-89 (2013).


  D ガスハイドレートの基礎(純粋ガスハイドレート系)

S. Nakano, M. Moritoki and K. Ohgaki
High-Pressure Phase Equilibrium and Raman Microprobe Spectroscopic Studies on the CO2 Hydrate System, J. Chem. Eng. Data, 43(5), 807-810 (1998).

S. Nakano, M. Moritoki and K. Ohgaki
High-Pressure Phase Equilibrium and Raman Microprobe Spectroscopic Studies on the CH4 Hydrate System, J. Chem. Eng. Data, 44(2), 254-257 (1999).

K. Morita, S. Nakano and K. Ohgaki
Structure and Stability of Ethane Hydrate Crystal, Fluid Phase Equilibria, 169, 167-175 (2000).

K. Ohgaki, T. Sugahara, M. Suzuki and H. Jindai
Phase Behavior of Xenon Hydrate System, Fluid Phase Equilibria, 175(1-2), 1-6 (2000).

T. Sugahara and K. Ohgaki
Border Gas Hydrate System Having Quadruple Point of Hydrate+Two Liquids+Gas Phases, J. Chem. Eng. Japan, 33(1), 174-176 (2000).

T. Sugahara, K. Morita and K. Ohgaki
Stability Boundaries and Small Hydrate-Cage Occupancy of Ethylene Hydrate System, Chem. Eng. Sci., 55(24), 6015-6020 (2000).

M. Suzuki, Y. Tanaka, T. Sugahara and K. Ohgaki
Pressure Dependence of Small-Cage Occupancy in the Cyclopropane Hydrate System, Chem. Eng. Sci., 56(6), 2063-2067 (2001).

ガスハイドレート結晶の構造とゲスト分子のケージ占有性, 固体物理, 36(4), 201-208 (2001).

菅原 武,菅原啓祐,大垣一成
純粋ならびに混合ガスハイドレート系の相平衡関係, 高圧力の科学と技術, 12(1), 35-39 (2002).

K. Sugahara, Y. Tanaka, T. Sugahara and K. Ohgaki
Thermodynamic Stability and Structure of Nitrogen Hydrate Crystal , Journal of Supramolecular Chemistry , 2(4-5), 365-368 (2002) published in 2003.

K. Sugahara, M. Yoshida, T. Sugahara and K. Ohgaki
High-Pressure Phase Behavior and Cage Occupancy for the CF4 Hydrate System, J. Chem. Eng. Data, 49(2), 326-329 (2004).

K. Sugahara,T. Sugahara and K. Ohgaki
Thermodynamic and Raman Spectroscopic Studies of Xe and Kr Hydrates, J. Chem. Eng. Data, 50(1), 274-277 (2005).

T. Makino, T. Sugahara and K. Ohgaki
Stability Boundaries of Tetrahydrofuran + Water System, J. Chem. Eng. Data, 50(6), 2058-2060 (2005).

K. Sugahara, M. Yoshida, T. Sugahara and K. Ohgaki
Thermodynamic and Raman Spectroscopic Studies on Pressure-Induced Structural Transition of SF6 Hydrate, J. Chem. Eng. Data, 51(1), 301-304 (2006).

K. Sugahara, R. Kaneko, A. Sasatani, T. Sugahara and K. Ohgaki
Thermodynamic and Raman Spectroscopic Studies of Ar Hydrate System, The Open Thermodynamics Journal, 2, 95-99 (2008).

Gas Hydrateの物性と機能[日本高圧力学会学会賞受賞記念], 高圧力の科学と技術, 19(2), 148-155 (2009).

T. Sugahara, A. Kawazoe, K. Sugahara and K. Ohgaki
High-Pressure Phase Equilibrium and Raman Spectroscopic Studies on Nitrous Oxide Hydrate System, J. Chem. Eng. Data, 54(8), 2301-2303 (2009).

S. Hashimoto, H. Miyauchi, Y. Inoue and K. Ohgaki
Thermodynamic and Raman Spectroscopic Studies on Difluoromethane (HFC-32)+Water Binary System, J. Chem. Eng. Data, 55(8), 2764-2768 (2010).

S. Hashimoto, T. Makino, Y. Inoue and K. Ohgaki
Three-Phase Equilibrium Relations and Hydrate Dissociation Enthalpies for Hydrofluorocarbon Hydrate Systems: HFC-134a, -125, and -143a Hydrates, J. Chem. Eng. Data, 55(11), 4951-4955 (2010).

T. Sugahara, A. Endo, H. Miyauchi, S.A. Choi, Y. Matsumoto, K. Yasuda, S. Hashimoto, K. Ohgaki
High-Pressure Phase Equilibrium and Raman Spectroscopic Studies on 1,1-Difluoroethane (HFC-152a) Hydrate System, J. Chem. Eng. Data, 56(12), 4592-4596 (2011).


  E ガスハイドレートの基礎(混合ガスハイドレート系)

S. Nakano and K. Ohgaki
Relative Cage-Occupancy of CO2-Methane Mixed Hydrate, J. Chem. Eng. Japan, 33(3), 554-556 (2000).

N. Shimada, K. Sugahara, T. Sugahara and K. Ohgaki
Phase Transition from Structure-H to Structure-I in the Methylcyclohexane + Xenon Hydrate System, Fluid Phase Equilibria, 205(1), 17-23 (2003).

T. Nakamura, T. Makino, T. Sugahara and K. Ohgaki
Stability Boundaries of Gas Hydrates Helped by Methane
  -- structure-H Hydrates of Methylcyclohexane and cis-1,2-Dimethylcyclohexane --, Chem. Eng. Sci., 58, 269-273 (2003).

T. Sugahara, T. Makino and K. Ohgaki
Isothermal Phase Equilibria for the Methane + Ethylene Mixed Gas Hydrate System, Fluid Phase Equilibria, 206(1-2), 117-126 (2003).

T. Nakamura, T. Sugahara and K. Ohgaki
Stability Boundaries of Structure-H Hydrate of cis-1,4-Dimethylcyclohexane Helped by Methane, J. Chem. Eng. Data, 49(1), 99-100 (2004).

T. Nakamura, T. Makino, T. Sugahara and K. Ohgaki
Gas Hydration of trans-1,2-Dimethylcyclohexane with Cooperative Assistance of Methane and cis-1,2-Dimethylcyclohexane, Chem. Eng. Sci., 59(1), 163-165 (2004).

T. Nakamura, T. Makino, T. Sugahara and K. Ohgaki
Thermodynamic Stability of Structure-H Hydrates of Methylcyclopentane and Cyclooctane Helped by Methane, Fluid Phase Equilibria , 218(2), 235-238 (2004).

T. Sugahara, T. Hara, S. Hashimoto and K. Ohgaki
Icosahedron Cage Occupancy of Structure-H Hydrate Helped by Xe - 1,1-, cis-1,2-, trans-1,2-, and cis-1,4- Dimethylcyclohexanes -, Chem. Eng. Sci., 60(6), 1783-1786 (2005).

T. Hara, S. Hashimoto, T. Sugahara and K. Ohgaki
Large Pressure Depression of Methane Hydrate by Adding 1,1-Dimethylcyclohexane, Chem. Eng. Sci., 60(11), 3117-3119 (2005).

T. Makino, M. Tongu, T. Sugahara and K. Ohgaki
Hydrate Structural Transition Depending on the Composition of Methane + Cyclopropane Mixed Gas Hydrate, Fluid Phase Equilibria, 233, 129-133 (2005).

Y. Kunita, T. Makino, T. Sugahara and K. Ohgaki
Raman Spectroscopic Studies on Methane + Tetrafluoromethane Mixed-Gas Hydrate System, Fluid Phase Equilibria, 251(2), 145-148 (2007).

T. Makino, T. Sugahara and K. Ohgaki
Effects of LargeGuest Species on Thermodynamic Properties of Structure-H Hydrates, Physics and Chemistry of Ice, 363-370 (2007).

T. Makino, Y. Kunita, T. Sugahara and K. Ohgaki
Isothermal Phase Equilibria and Cage Occupancies for CH4 + CHF3 Mixed-Gas Hydrate System, The Open Thermodynamics Journal, 2, 17-21 (2008).

S. Hashimoto, A. Sasatani, Y. Matsui, T. Sugahara and K. Ohgaki
Isothermal Phase Equilibria for Methane + Ethane + Water Ternary System Containing Gas Hydrates, The Open Thermodynamics Journal, 2, 100-105 (2008).

T. Makino, M. Mori, Y. Mutou, T. Sugahara and K. Ohgaki
Four-Phase Equilibrium Relations of Methane + Methylcyclohexanol Stereoisomer + Water Systems Containing Gas Hydrate, J. Chem. Eng. Data, 54(3), 996-999 (2009).

T. Makino, Y. Ogura, Y. Matsui, T. Sugahara and K. Ohgaki
Isothermal Phase Equilibria and Structural Phase Transition in the Carbon Dioxide + Cyclopropane Mixed-Gas Hydrate System, Fluid Phase Equilibria, 284(1), 19-25 (2009).

T. Makino, T. Yamamoto, K. Nagata, H. Sakamoto, S. Hashimoto, T. Sugahara and K. Ohgaki
Thermodynamic Stabilities of Tetra-n-Butyl Ammonium Chloride +H2, N2, CH4, CO2, or C2H6 Semi-Clathrate Hydrate Systems, J. Chem. Eng. Data, 55(2), 839-841 (2010).

Y. Matsui, Y. Ogura, H. Miyauchi, T. Makino, T. Sugahara, and K. Ohgaki
Isothermal Phase Equilibria for Binary Hydrate Systems of Carbon Dioxide + Ethane and Carbon Dioxide + Tetrafluoromethane, J. Chem. Eng. Data, 55(9), 3297-3301 (2010).

Y. Matsumoto, H. Miyauchi, T. Makino, T. Sugahara, and K. Ohgaki
Structural Phase Transitions of Methane+Ethane Mixed-Gas Hydrate Induced by 1,1-Dimethylcyclohexane, Chem. Eng. Sci., 66, 2672-2676 (2011).

T. Sugahara, H. Miyauchi, S. Suzuki, Y. Matsumoto, K. Yasuda, T. Makino, K. Ohgaki
Isothermal Phase Equilibria for the Xenon+Cyclopropane Mixed-Gas Hydrate System, J. Chem. Thermodyn., 47C, 13-16 (2012).

H. Miyauchi, K. Yasuda, Y. Matsumoto, S. Hashimoto, T. Sugahara, K. Ohgaki
Isothermal Phase Equilibria for the HFC-32+HFC-134a Mixed-Gas Hydrate System, J. Chem. Thermodyn., 47C, 1-5 (2012).

S. Suzuki, K. Yasuda, Y. Katsuta, Y. Matsumoto, S. Hashimoto, T. Sugahara, K Ohgaki
Isothermal Phase Equilibria for the CO2+1,1,1,2-Tetrafluoroethane and CO2+1,1-Difluoroethane Mixed-Gas Hydrate Systems, J. Chem. Eng. Data, in press (2013).


  F ガスハイドレートの基礎(水素ハイドレート系)

T. Sugahara, S. Murayama, S. Hashimoto and K. Ohgaki
Phase Equilibria for H2 + CO2 + H2O System Containing Gas Hydrates, Fluid Phase Equilibria, 233, 190-193 (2005).

S. Hashimoto, S. Murayama, T. Sugahara and K. Ohgaki
Phase Equilibria for H2 + CO2 + Tetrahydrofuran + Water Mixtures Containing Gas Hydrates, J. Chem. Eng. Data, 51(5), 1884-1886 (2006).

S. Hashimoto, S. Murayama, T. Sugahara H. Sato and K. Ohgaki
Thermodynamic and Raman Spectroscopic Studies on H2 + Tetrahydrofuran + Water and H2 + Tetra-n-Butyl Ammonium Bromide + Water Mixtures Containing Gas Hydrates, Chem. Eng. Sci., 61(24), 7884-7888 (2006).

S. Hashimoto, T. Sugahara, H. Sato and K. Ohgaki
Thermodynamic Stability of H2 + Tetrahydrofuran Mixed Gas Hydrate in Nonstoichiometric Aqueous Solutions, J. Chem. Eng. Data, 52(2), 517-520 (2007).

S. Hashimoto, S. Murayama, T. Sugahara, and K. Ohgaki
Fundamental Studies for a New H2 Separation Method Using Gas Hydrates, Physics and Chemistry of Ice, 209-216 (2007).

S. Hashimoto, T. Sugahara, M. Moritoki, H. Sato and K. Ohgaki
Thermodynamic Stability of Hydrogen + Tetra-n-Butyl Ammonium Bromide Mixed Gas Hydrate in Nonstoichiometric Aqueous Solutions, Chem. Eng. Sci., 63(4), 1092-1097 (2008).

T. Sugahara, H. Mori, J. Sakamoto, S. Hashimoto, K. Ogata and K. Ohgaki
Cage Occupancy of Hydrogen in Carbon Dioxide, Ethane, Cyclopropane, and Propane Hydrates, The Open Thermodynamics Journal, 2, 1-6 (2008).

S. Hashimoto, T. Sugahara, M. Moritoki, H. Sato and K. Ohgaki
Thermodynamic Stability on Mixed Gas Hydrates Containing Hydrogen, Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 121, 22012-1-5 (2008).

K. Ogata, S. Hashimoto, T. Sugahara, M. Moritoki, H. Sato and K. Ohgaki
Storage Capacity of Hydrogen in Tetrahydrofuran Hydrate, Chem. Eng. Sci., 63(23), 5714-5718 (2008).

J. Sakamoto, S. Hashimoto, T. Tsuda, T. Sugahara, Y. Inoue and K. Ohgaki
Thermodynamic and Raman Spectroscopic Studies on Hydrogen + Tetra-n-Butyl Ammonium Fluoride Semi-Clathrate Hydrates, Chem. Eng. Sci., 63(24), 5789-5794 (2008).

T. Tsuda, K. Ogata, S. Hashimoto, T. Sugahara, M. Moritoki and K. Ohgaki
Storage Capacity of Hydrogen in Tetrahydrothiophene and Furan Clathrate Hydrates, Chem. Eng. Sci., 64(19), 4150-4154 (2009).

S. Hashimoto, T. Tsuda, K. Ogata, T. Sugahara,Y. Inoue and K. Ohgaki
Thermodynamic Properties of Hydrogen + Tetra-n-Butyl Ammonium Bromide Semi-Clathrate Hydrate, Journal of Thermodynamics, 2010, Article ID 170819, 5 pages (2010).

T. Tsuda, K. Ogata, S. Hashimoto, T. Sugahara, H. Sato and K. Ohgaki
Storage Capacity of Hydrogen in Gas Hydrates, Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 215, 012061 1-5 (2010).

K. Ogata, T. Tsuda, S. Amano, S. Hashimoto, T. Sugahara, and K. Ohgaki
Hydrogen Storage in Trimethylamine Hydrate: Thermodynamic Stability and Hydrogen Storage Capacity of Hydrogen + Trimethylamine Mixed Semi-clathrate Hydrate, Chem. Eng. Sci., 65(5), 1616-1620 (2010).

S. Amano, T. Tsuda, S. Hashimoto, T. Sugahara, and K. Ohgaki
Competitive Cage-occupancy of Hydrogen and Argon in Structure-II Hydrates, Fluid Phase Equilibria, 298(1), 113-116 (2010).

T. Sugahara, P.S.R. Prasad, E.D. Sloan, A.K. Sum, C.A. Koh, K. Ohgaki
Large-Cage Occupancies of Molecular Hydrogen in Binary Clathrate Hydrates Dependent on Pressures, Physics and Chemistry of Ice, 2010, 117-125 (2011).

T. Tsuda, S. Hashimoto, T. Sugahara, K. Ohgaki
Effect of Cyclopentane on Small-Cage Occupancy of Hydrogen in Clathrate Hydrates, Physics and Chemistry of Ice, 2010, 277-281 (2011).

Y. Fujisawa, T. Tsuda, S. Hashimoto, T. Sugahara, K. Ohgaki
Thermodynamic Stability of Hydrogen + Tetra-n-butyl Phosphonium Bromide Mixed Semi-clathrate Hydrate, Chem. Eng. Sci., 68(1), 660-662 (2012).

  G ハイドレート籠中のラジカル種の挙動

K. Takeya, A. Tani, T. Yada, M. Ikeya and K. Ohgaki
Electron Spin Resonance Study on γ-Ray-Induced Methyl Radicals in Methane Hydrates, Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, 43(1), 353-357 (2004).

K. Takeya, K. Nango, T. Sugahara, K. Ohgaki and A. Tani
Activation Energy of Methyl Radical Decay in Methane Hydrate, J. Phys. Chem. B, 109(44), 21086-21088 (2005).

K. Takeya, K. Nango, T. Sugahara, K. Ohgaki, A. Tani, H. Ito, M. Okada and T. Kasai
Electron Spin Resonance Study on gamma-Ray-Induced Ethyl Radical in Ethane Hydrate, Japanese J. Appl. Phys., 46(5A), 3066-3070 (2007).

K. Takeya, K. Nango, T. Sugahara, A. Tani and K. Ohgaki
ESR Observation of Self-Preservation Effect of Methane Hydrates, Physics and Chemistry of Ice, 585-591 (2007).

K. Takeya, T. Sugahara, K. Ohgaki and A. Tani
Electron Spin Resonance Study on γ-Ray-Induced Radical Species in Ethylene Hydrate, Radiation Measurements, 42(8), 1301-1306 (2007).

K. Ohgaki, K. Nakatsuji, K. Takeya, A. Tani and T. Sugahara
Hydrogen Transfer from Guest Molecule to Radical in Adjacent Hydrate-Cages, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 10(1), 80-82 (2008).

K. Takato, A. Tani, T. Sugahara, K. Takeya, K. Ohgaki
Decay Mechanisms of Radiation-Induced Radicals in Sulfur Hexafluoride Clathrate Hydrate, Physics and Chemistry of Ice, 2010, 261-266 (2011).

K. Takeya, A. Tani, T. Sugahara, K. Ohgaki
Thermal Stability of Radicals Induced in Xenon Hydrate, Physics and Chemistry of Ice, 2010, 267-271 (2011).

A. Tani, K. Takato, T. Sugahara, K. Ohgaki, K. Takeya
In-situ ESR Observation of Free Radicals in Gas Hydrates under High Pressure, Physics and Chemistry of Ice, 2010, 273-276 (2011).

T. Sugahara, Y. Kobayashi, A. Tani, T. Inoue, K. Ohgaki
Intermolecular Hydrogen Transfer between Guest Species in Small and Large Cages of Methane+Propane Mixed-Gas Hydrates, J. Phys. Chem. A, 116(10), 2405-2408 (2012).

N. Kobayashi, T. Minami, A. Tani, M. Nakagoshi, T. Sugahara, K. Takeya, K. Ohgaki
Intermolecular Hydrogen Transfer in Isobutane Hydrate, Energies, 5(6), 1705-1712 (2012).

  H 溶液・結晶構造と分子集団・ナノサイズ気泡

大垣一成, 小林宏司, 片山 俊
微粒子の粒径測定とTubular Pinch効果, 化学工学論文集, 16(6), 1252-1255 (1990).

K. Ohgaki, H. Kobayashi, T. Katayama and N. Hirokawa
Whisker Formation from Jet of Supercritical Fluid Solution, J. Supercritical Fluids, 3(3), 103-107 (1990).

K. Ohgaki, Y. Makihara, M. Morishita and N. Hirokawa
Solute Clusters in Aqueous Citric Acid Solutions, Chem.Eng.Sci., 46(12), 3283-3287 (1991).

K. Ohgaki, N. Hirokawa and M. Ueda
Heterogeneity in Aqueous Solutions, Chem. Eng. Sci., 47(8), 1819-1823 (1992).

K. Ohgaki, Y. Makihara and H. Sangawa
Effect of Exposure to Magnetism on Crystals Produced in Aqueous Solutions, Chem. Eng. Sci., 49(6), 911-913 (1994).

M. Ueda, N. Hirokawa, Y. Harano, M. Moritoki and K. Ohgaki
Change in Micro Structure of Aqueous Citric Acid Solution under Crystallization, J.Crystal Growth, 156, 261-266 (1995).

広川典夫, 上田正博, 大垣一成, 守時正人, 原納淑郎
ミクロモルフォロジー変化からみた結晶化現象, 化学工学シンポジュウムシリーズ, 49, 46-51 (1995).

大垣一成, 松村幸治
酸素混合流体に及ぼす磁場の影響, 化学工学論文集, 21(5), 910-915 (1995).

気・液・固体中の分子集団−地球環境・エネルギー資源問題とのかかわり−, 粉体工学会誌, 34(9), 718-723 (1997).

村上元一, 田中 昭, 大垣一成
炭化水素プラズマによるレプリカ薄膜の調製, プラズマ応用科学, 5, 90-93 (1997).

村上元一, 柴田乃理子, 城 正樹, 水谷正樹, 三谷 優, 大垣一成
プラズマ薄膜によるゾルの微細構造観察, プラズマ応用科学, 6, 36-42 (1998).

柴田乃理子, 城 正樹, 末廣善治, 村上元一, 大垣一成
マイクロエマルションの鎖状構造と異常電気伝導度, プラズマ応用科学, 7, 24-29 (1999).

瀬川修一, 三谷 優, 大垣一成
ビールより分離した高分子の水溶液での表面挙動とその速度論的解析, 化学工学論文集, 26(5), 649-653(2000).

城 正樹,柴田乃理子,末廣善治,飯田俊一,佐藤 博,大垣一成
プラズマレプリカ法によるゲル中でのNaCl結晶成長機構に関する考察, プラズマ応用科学, 8, 23-28 (2000).

飯田俊一、奥山保雄、佐藤 博、大垣一成
プラズマレプリカ膜法によるクエン酸水溶液の微細構造観察, プラズマ応用科学9, 57-62 (2001).

飯田俊一、奥山保雄、小路智子、佐藤 博、大垣一成
プラズマレプリカ法によるマイクロエマルション中の超微粒子の観察, プラズマ応用科学10, 149-152 (2002).

飯田俊一、嶋田純子、佐藤 博、大垣一成
プラズマレプリカ法による光学活性物質の自然分晶現象に関する考察, プラズマ応用科学12, 93-98 (2004).

S. Iida, T. Shoji, N. Obatake, H. Sato and K. Ohgaki
Formation of BaSO4 Whiskers in Microemulsion, J. Chem. Eng. Japan, 38(5), 357-359 (2005).

佐藤 博、本橋佳枝、岸田祥一、石丸淳一、荒尾直美、大垣一成
プラズマレプリカ法によるNi(OH)2多孔質体の形成過程と基板上への堆積過程の検討, プラズマ応用科学, 15(1), 47-52 (2007).

K. Ohgaki, N. Q. Khanh, Y. Joden, A.Tsuji and T. Nakagawa
Physicochemical Approach to Nanobubble Solutions, Chem. Eng. Sci., 65(3), 1296-1300 (2010).

Y. Joden, N. Ohtsubo, N.Q. Khanh, K. Ohgaki, A. Tsuji, T. Nakagawa
Liquefaction of SF6 in Nanobubble Solutions under Atmospheric Conditions, Physics and Chemistry of Ice, 2010, 9-11 (2011).


  Y 総 説・解 説・そ の 他

ガスクロマトグラフィーのための検量線作成法, 蒸留技術, 40, 184-185 (1978).

片山 俊, 大垣一成
高圧気液平衡における興味ある現象[研究ノート], 生産と技術, 30(1), 63-65 (1978).

片山 俊, 大垣一成
超臨界流体を利用した抽出分離[研究ノート], 生産と技術, 35(3), 36-39 (1983).

片山 俊, 大垣一成
高圧相平衡と圧力および温度, 化学工学, 47(12), 769-772 (1983).

混合気体の第2ビリアル係数[化学工学会論文賞受賞記念論文], 化学工学, 49(6), 405-411 (1985).

大垣一成, 片山 俊
超臨界抽出と超臨界クロマトグラフィーの応用, 島津科学器械ニュース, 28(4), 20-23 (1987).

臨界流体とその工学的利用, 科学と工業, 63(5), 201-207 (1989).

上田正博, 広川典夫, 大垣一成
水の構造と分子集団[トピックス], 化学工学, 54(10), 68-69 (1990).

大垣一成, 井上義朗
CO2海底貯蔵とhydrate層形成モデルシミュレーション, ケミカルエンジニアリング, 37(9), 791-797 (1992).

上田正博, 広川典夫, 大垣一成, 守時正人, 原納淑朗
結晶のミクロ構造とその不均一性[研究ハイライト], 化学工学, 56(9), 674-675 (1992).

大垣一成, 森下 誠, 牧原義博, 寒川博之
溶液の不均一性が関与する諸現象, 晶析トピックス集, 1, 13-16 (1993).

溶液の不均一性が関与する諸現象, 大阪大学低温センターだより, 83, 1-4 (1993).

磁気を利用した溶液構造制御と技術開発[夢はバラ色], 生産と技術, 45(4), 78-80 (1993).

液体燃料の燃焼に対する磁気曝射効果, Ionics, 20(2), 23-26 (1994).

寒川博之, 丸山研也, 大垣一成
水溶液の磁気曝射記憶に関する研究,[研究ハイライト], 化学工学, 58(6), 335-336 (1994).

水の分子集団と磁気記憶機能[目で見るバイオ], Bioscience & Industry, 52(9), 705-706 (1994).

圧力精密測定法のてくにっく特集[私のてくにっく], 化学工学, 59(1), 54 (1995).

地球環境と二酸化炭素問題, ケミカルエンジニアリング, 40(4), 273-279 (1995).

大垣一成, 濱中貴大
CO2水和包接化合物を含む混合系の高圧相挙動[研究ハイライト], 化学工学, 59(8), 583-584 (1995).

松原拓也, 大垣一成
地球環境と気体包接化合物の利用, クリーンテクノロジー, 5(11), 22-25 (1995).

酸素同位体が記録したダンスガード周期ー注目の論文ー, 月刊「化学」, 53(3), 84-85 (1998).

CO2の海底貯蔵とエネルギー開発を両立させるクリーン・テクノロジー, ダイアワーク, 129, 9-14 (1998).

天然ガス包接化合物の採掘とCO2貯蔵, レーザークロス, 129, 1-2 (1998).

気体包接化合物の機能と利用(特別講演), 高圧力の科学と技術(特集号), 8, 2-3 (1998).

天然ガスを採りながらCO2貯蔵が出来るのか?, 月刊「化学」, 54(8), 32-34 (1999).

ガスハイドレートの機能と利用(夢はバラ色), 生産と技術, 52(1), 57-59 (2000).

ガスハイドレートと環境エネルギー問題, パリティ(丸善株式会社), 16(3), 44-48 (2001)

大垣一成,菅原 武
メタンハイドレートの相平衡と構造相転移, 日本海水学会誌, 56(4), 292-296 (2002).

ガスハイドレートの実用化が、未来の地球を救います, オイルロード, 69,18-21 (2005).

大垣一成、菅原 武
水素貯蔵媒体としてのガスハイドレートの可能性, 水素エネルギーシステム, 32, 20-26 (2007).

大垣一成、江頭靖幸、渡會 仁、松村道雄、中辻啓二 編著
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橋本俊輔、菅原 武、佐藤 博、大垣一成
ガスハイドレートの水素貯蔵能力ー現状と課題ー, 触媒, 51(4), 298-303 (2009).

菅原 武、大垣一成
ガスハイドレートの科学と技術, 化学と教育, 60(1), 8-13 (2012).


  Z 国際会議

K. Ohgaki and T. Katayama: Phase Equilibria for Binary Systems Containing Propylene.
World Congress V of Chemical Engineering. pp.96-98(U), Tokyo(1986).

K. Ohgaki and T. Katayama: Solubilities of Indole and Its Derivatives in Supercritical CO2, C2H4, C2H6, and CHF3.International Symposium on Supercritical Fluids. pp.27-34, Nice(1988).

S. Sako, K. Ohgaki and T. Katayama: High-Pressure Phase Behavior for Binary Mixtures of Indole, Pyrazine, Pyrimidine and Quinoxaline with CO2, C2H4, C2H6, and CHF3.
International Solvent Extraction Conference, pp.1689-1694, Kyoto(1990).

K. Ohgaki: Fundamental Study on Natural-Gas Exploitation by Carbon Dioxide fram Gas Hydrate Fields under the Deep Ocean Floor. (invited) International Symposium on New Technologies from Marine-Sphere. pp.49-52, Takamatsu(1997).

S. Nakano, M. Moritoki and K. Ohgaki: History Effect of Methane Hydrate Crystal -Pressure Dependence on Raman Shifts of C-H and O-O vibrational Modes-. International Symposium on Industrial Crystallization, pp.355-362, Tokyo(1998).

K. Ohgaki: Applications of Gas Hydrates to Global Warming Problem. International Symposium "DEEP SEA & CO2 2000", Tokyo(2000).

Y. Mitani, S. Segawa, K. Shinotsuka, M. Joh and K. Ohgaki:Dynamic Behavior of Carbon Dioxide Gas Relating to Formation and Diminution of Beer Foam Layer. World Brewing Congress 2000, Florida(2000).

T. Sugahara, K. Sugahara, K. Ohgaki: Small Cage-Occupancy of Guest Species in the Ethane, Ethylene and Cyclopropane Hydrate Systems. Fourth International Conference on Gas Hydrates, Yokohama(2002).

Y. Nakajima, T. Takaoki, K. Ohgaki, S. Ota: Use of Hydrate Pellets for Transportation of Natural Gas - II
- Proposition of Natural Gas Transportation in form of Hydrate Pellets -.
Fourth International Conference on Gas Hydrates, Yokohama(2002).

H. Shirota, Y. Nakajima, S. Ota, T. Takaoki, K. Ohgaki: Use of Hydrate for Natural Gas Transportation --- Introduction of Research Project ---
Pacific Congress on Marine Science and Technology(PACON2002), Makuhari(2002).

K. Sugahara and K. Ohgaki: High-Pressure Phase Equilibrium and Raman Spectroscopic Studies on CHF3 Hydrate System
The 1st International 21 Century COE Symposium on Integrated EcoChemistry, Suita(2003).

S. Iida , H. Sato, and K. Ohgaki: Mesoscopic Structure of Aqueous Citric Acid Solutions
The 1st International 21 Century COE Symposium on Integrated EcoChemistry, Suita(2003).

K. Sugahara and K. Ohgaki: High-Pressure Raman Spectroscopic Study for CF4 Hydrate System
The 2nd International 21 Century COE Symposium on Integrated EcoChemistry, Awaji Island(July, 2003).

S. Iida , H. Sato, and K. Ohgaki: Electron Microscopic Observation of Ultrafine Particles in Microemulsions Using Plasma Replica Method
The 2nd International 21 Century COE Symposium on Integrated EcoChemistry, Awaji Island(July, 2003).

T. Makino , M. Tongu, T. Sugahara, and K. Ohgaki : Hydrate Structural Transition Depending on the Composition of Methane + Cyclopropane Mixed Hydrate
The 3rd International 21 Century COE Symposium on Integrated EcoChemistry, Suita(January, 2004).

S. Iida , H. Sato, and K. Ohgaki: Electron Microscopic Observation of Fe(OH)3Particles in Microemulsions Using Plasma Replica Method
The 3rd International 21 Century COE Symposium on Integrated EcoChemistry, Suita(January, 2004).

K. Sugahara and K. Ohgaki: High-Pressure Raman Spectroscopic Studies on Structure-I and -II Hydrates
The 3rd International 21 Century COE Symposium on Integrated EcoChemistry, Suita(January, 2004).

T. Sugahara, T. Makino and K. Ohgaki: Crystal Structures and Gas Content of NGH
International Forum on Natural Gas Hydrate Carrier, Tokyo(March, 2004).

H. Sato, T. Nakamura and K. Ohgaki: Mesoscopic Structure and Self Preservation of NGH
International Forum on Natural Gas Hydrate Carrier, Tokyo(March, 2004).

S. Iida , H. Sato, and K. Ohgaki : Electron Microscopic Observation of BaSO4 Nanoparticles in Microemulsions Using Plasma Replica Method
The 4th International 21 Century COE Symposium on Integrated EcoChemistry, Osaka(Auguest, 2004).

K. Takeya, A. Tani, T. Sugahara, and K. Ohgaki : Behavior of γ-ray Induced Methyl Radical in Methane Hydrate
The 4th International 21 Century COE Symposium on Integrated EcoChemistry, Osaka(Auguest, 2004).

T. Makino, T. Sugahara and K. Ohgaki: Phase Equilibria for the Tetrahydrofuran+Water Hydrate System below the Atmospheric Pressure Condition
The 4th International 21 Century COE Symposium on Integrated EcoChemistry, Osaka(Auguest, 2004).

K. Takeya, A. Tani, T. Sugahara and K. Ohgaki: Radicals Induced by gamma-Ray Irradiations in Gas Hydrates
International Symposium on Stereodynamics of Chemical Reactions 2004, Osaka(November, 2004).

S. Iida, H. Sato, and K. Ohgaki: Electron Microscopic Observation of BaCrO4 Bundles in Microemulsions Using Plasma Replica Method
The 5th International 21 Century COE Symposium on Integrated Ecochemistry, Osaka(January, 2005).

T. Makino, T. Hara, T. Sugahara, and K. Ohgaki: Thermodynamic Stability of Structure-H Hydrates of Dimethylcyclohexane Stereo-Isomers Helped by Methane
The 5th International 21 Century COE Symposium on Integrated Ecochemistry, Osaka(January, 2005).

K. Takeya, K. Nango, A. Tani, T. Sugahara and K. Ohgaki: Gamma-Ray Irradiation Effects of Ethane and Ethylene Hydrates
The 5th International 21 Century COE Symposium on Integrated Ecochemistry, Osaka(January, 2005).

T. Makino, T. Sugahara and K. Ohgaki: Isothermal Phase Equilibria for the Mixed Gas Hydrate Systems
5th International Conference on Gas Hydrates, Trondheim (June, 2005).

K. Takeya, K. Nango, T. Sugahara, A. Tani and K. Ohgaki: Radicals Induced by gamma-Ray Irradiation in Gas Hydrates
5th International Conference on Gas Hydrates, Trondheim (June, 2005).

T. Makino, T. Sugahara and K. Ohgaki: Thermodynamic Stability and Content of Guest Species for Structure-H Hydrate System
The 7th International 21 Century COE Symposium on Integrated Ecochemistry, Honolulu (December, 2005).

S. Hashimoto, S. Murayama, T. Sugahara and K. Ohgaki: Phase Equilibria for H2+CO2+Tetrahydrofuran+Water Mixed System Containing Gas Hydrates
The 7th International 21 Century COE Symposium on Integrated Ecochemistry, Honolulu (December, 2005).

S. Hashimoto, S. Murayama, T. Sugahara and K. Ohgaki: Fundamental Studies for A New H2 Separation Method Using Gas Hydrates
Physics and Chemistry of Ice (PCI 2006), Bremerhaven (July, 2006).

T. Makino, T. Sugahara and K. Ohgaki: Effects of Large Guest Species on Thermodynamic Properties of Structure-H Hydrates
Physics and Chemistry of Ice (PCI 2006), Bremerhaven (July, 2006).

K. Takeya, K. Nango, T. Sugahara, A. Tani and K. Ohgaki: Investigation of Methane Hydrate Dissociation through Decay of Radiation-Induced Methyl Radical in Methane Hydrate
Physics and Chemistry of Ice (PCI 2006), Bremerhaven (July, 2006).

T. Makino, T. Sugahara, and K. Ohgaki: Structure of Mixed Gas Hydrates and Cage Occupancy of CH4
The 8th International 21 Century COE Symposium on Integrated EcoChemistry, Keihanna, Kyoto(August, 2006).

S. Hashimoto, S. Murayama, T. Sugahara, and K. Ohgaki: Thermodynamic and Raman Spectroscopic Studies on Mixed Gas Hydrates Containing Hydrogen
The 8th International 21 Century COE Symposium on Integrated EcoChemistry, Keihanna, Kyoto(August, 2006).

K. Ohgaki: Applications of Gas Hydrates
The 9th International 21 Century COE Symposium on Integrated EcoChemistry, Awaji(January, 2007).

S. Hashimoto, T. Sugahara, M. Moritoki, H. Sato and K. Ohgaki: Thermodynamic Stability of H2 + Tetrahydrofuran Mixed Gas Hydrate in Non-Stoichiometric Aqueous Solutions
The 9th International 21 Century COE Symposium on Integrated EcoChemistry, Awaji(January, 2007).

S. Hashimoto, T. Sugahara, M. Moritoki, H. Sato and K. Ohgaki: Thermodynamic Stability of Mixed Gas Hydrates Containing Hydrogen
The Joint 21st AIRAPT & 45th EHPRG International Conference on "High Pressure Science and Technology", Catania, Italy(September, 2007).

T. Makino, M. Mori, T. Sugahara, and K. Ohgaki: Phase Equilibrium Relations of Methylcyclohexanol Stereoisomer Hydrates Helped by Methane - Effect of Substitution Site -
6th International Conference on Gas Hydrates, Vancouver, Canada(July, 2008).

T. Sugahara, S. Hashimoto, H. Mori, J. Sakamoto, K. Ogata and K. Ohgaki: Cage Occupancies of Hydrogen Molecule and Thermodynamic Stabilities of Hydrogen-Containing Hydrates
6th International Conference on Gas Hydrates, Vancouver, Canada(July, 2008).

K. Takeya, M. Tonouchi and K. Ohgaki: THz Time Domain Spectroscopy of Tetrahydrofuran Hydrate
6th International Conference on Gas Hydrates, Vancouver, Canada(July, 2008).

A. Tani, K. Takeya,T. Sugahara and K. Ohgaki: ESR spectral analysis of free radicals in irradiated gas hydrates below 77 K
6th International Conference on Gas Hydrates, Vancouver, Canada(July, 2008).

T. Tsuda, K. Ogata, S. Hashimoto,T. Sugahara, H. Sato and K. Ohgaki: Storage Capacity of Hydrogen in Gas Hydrates
Joint AIRAPT-22 & HPCJ-50 International Conference on "HIgh Pressure Science and Technology", Tokyo, Japan(August, 2009).

Y. Joden, N. Ohtsubo, N. Q. Khanh, K. Ohgaki, A. Tsuji, and T. Nakagawa: Liquefaction of SF6 in Nanobubble Solutions under Atmospheric Conditions
12th International Conference on Physics and Chemistry of Ice (PCI2010), Sapporo, Japan(September, 2010).

K. Takeya, I. Kawayama, H. Murakami, K. Ohgaki, and M. Tonouchi: Terahertz Spectroscopy of Gas Hydrates
12th International Conference on Physics and Chemistry of Ice (PCI2010), Sapporo, Japan(September, 2010).

H. Mimachi, M. Takahashi, T. Iwasaki, T. Kinoshita, T. Sugahara, H. Sato, and K. Ohgaki: Raman Spectroscopic Analysis of Mixed Gas Hydrate Crystals
12th International Conference on Physics and Chemistry of Ice (PCI2010), Sapporo, Japan(September, 2010).

T. Sugahara, P.S.R. Prasad, E. D. Sloan, A. K. Sum, C. A. Koh, and K. Ohgaki: Large-Cage Occupancy of Molecular Hydrogen in Binary Clathrate Hydrates Dependent on Pressures
12th International Conference on Physics and Chemistry of Ice (PCI2010), Sapporo, Japan(September, 2010).

M. Oshima, S. Hashimoto, W. Shimada, A. Tani, T. Sugahara, and K. Ohgaki: In-situ Raman Observation on Aqueous solution around Tetra-n-Butyl Ammonium Bromide Semi-Clathrate Hydrate
12th International Conference on Physics and Chemistry of Ice (PCI2010), Sapporo, Japan(September, 2010).

S. Hashimoto, K. Kawamura, H. Ito, K. Ohgaki, and Y. Inoue: Rheological Characteristics of Slurry Containing Tetra-n-Butyl Ammonium Bromide Semi-Clathrate Hydrate Crystal and Solution
12th International Conference on Physics and Chemistry of Ice (PCI2010), Sapporo, Japan(September, 2010).

K. Takato, A. Tani, T. Sugahara, K. Takeya, and K. Ohgaki: Decay Mechanisms of Radiation-Induced Radicals in Sulfur Hexafluoride Clathrate Hydrate
12th International Conference on Physics and Chemistry of Ice (PCI2010), Sapporo, Japan(September, 2010).

K. Takeya, A. Tani, T. Sugahara, and K. Ohgaki: Thermal Stability of Radicals Induced Xenon Hydrate
12th International Conference on Physics and Chemistry of Ice (PCI2010), Sapporo, Japan(September, 2010).

A. Tani, K. Takato, T. Sugahara, K. Ohgaki, K. Takeya: In-situ ESR Observation of Free Radicals in Gas Hydrates under High Pressure
12th International Conference on Physics and Chemistry of Ice (PCI2010), Sapporo, Japan(September, 2010).

T. Tsuda, S. Hashimoto, T. Sugahara, K. Ohgaki: Effect of Cyclopentane on Cage Occupancy of Hydrogen in Clathrate Hydrates
12th International Conference on Physics and Chemistry of Ice (PCI2010), Sapporo, Japan(September, 2010).

Y. Matsumoto, H. Miyauchi, T. Makino, T. Sugahara, K. Ohgaki: Structural Phase Transitions of Methane+Ethane Mixed-gas Hydrate Induced by 1,1-Dimethylcyclohexane
7th International Conference on Gas Hydrates (ICGH7), Edinburgh, UK.(July, 2011).

T. Tsuda, S. Amano, Y. Fujisawa, S. Hashimoto, T. Sugahara, K. Ohgaki: Enhancement of Hydrogen Storage Rate in Pre-treated Semi-clathrate Hydrates
7th International Conference on Gas Hydrates (ICGH7), Edinburgh, UK.(July, 2011).

T. Sugahara, P.S.R. Prasad, V. Taghikhani, T. Tsuda, K. Ohgaki, E.D. Sloan, C.A. Koh, A.K. Sum: Molecular Storage of Hydrogen in Simple and Binary Clathrate Hydrates
7th International Conference on Gas Hydrates (ICGH7), Edinburgh, UK.(July, 2011).

T. Makino, Y. Matsumoto, H. Masuda, T. Sugahara, K. Ohgaki: Effect of Ionic Liquid on Hydrate Formation Rate in Carbon Dioxide Hydrates
7th International Conference on Gas Hydrates (ICGH7), Edinburgh, UK.(July, 2011).

M. Oshima, S. Kitani, A. Tani, K. Kitano, T. Sugahara, K. Ohgaki: Identification of Products Induced by gamma-ray Irradiation in CO2 Hydrate
7th International Conference on Gas Hydrates (ICGH7), Edinburgh, UK.(July, 2011).

S. Hashimoto, K. Kawamura, H. Ito, M. Nobeoka, K. Ohgaki, Y. Inoue: Rheological Study on Tetra-n-Butyl Ammonium Salt Semi-Clathrate Hydrate Slurries
7th International Conference on Gas Hydrates (ICGH7), Edinburgh, UK.(July, 2011).

S. Hashimoto, H. Ito, K. Ohgaki, Y. Inoue: Effect of Impeller Agitation on Preparation of Tetra-n-Butyl Ammonium Bromide Semi-Clatharte Hydrate Slurries
7th International Conference on Gas Hydrates (ICGH7), Edinburgh, UK.(July, 2011).

